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            ˙ 實驗作法:MSC-1 治療組的患者 (9 名 ) 接受單劑量每公斤 20×10 個細胞 ;
                           MSC-2 治療組的患者 (9 名 ) 接受兩次單劑量每公斤 20×10 個細胞
            ˙ 實驗結果:利用 WOMAC 退化性關節炎量表做為成效指標,只有 MSC 治療的
                           患者有顯著的疼痛和功能改善且 MSC-2 治療組的疼痛水平明顯較低。
                           且在第一階段 / 第二階段試驗 (NCT02580695),重複施打臍帶間質幹

                      Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
                      (MSCs) for Knee Osteoarthritis: Repeated MSC
                      Dosing Is Superior to a Single MSC Dose
                      and to Hyaluronic Acid in a Controlled
     a Department of Orthopedic  Randomized Phase I/II Trial
     Surgery, Universidad de los
     Andes, Santiago, Chile;  a        a          a          b
     Cells for Cells & Consorcio
     c                          d       e          b,c,d             c,d,f
     Research in Cell Therapy, Matas, Orrego, Amenabar et  b,c,f              221
                      FRANCISCO ESPINOZA al.
     Universidad de los Andes, Matas, Orrego, Amenabar et al.                 221
     Santiago, Chile; Laboratory  Key Words. Osteoarthritis • Knee • Mesenchymal stromal cells • Pain • Disability
     of Nano-Regenerative
     Medicine, Universidad de
     los Andes, Santiago, Chile;  ABSTRACT
     Department of Radiology,  Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of pain and disability. Although conventional treat-
     Clínica Universidad de los  ments show modest benefits, pilot and phase I/II trials with bone marrow (BM) and adipose-
     Andes, Santiago, Chile;  derived (AD) mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) point to the feasibility, safety, and occurrence of
     f Department of  clinical and structural improvement in focal or diffuse disease. This study aimed to assess the
     Rheumatology, Universidad  safety and efficacy of the intra-articular injection of single or repeated umbilical cord-derived
     de los Andes, Santiago,  (UC) MSCs in knee OA. UC-MSCs were cultured in an International Organization for Standardiza-
     Chile            tion 9001:2015 certified Good Manufacturing Practice-type Laboratory. Patients with symptom-
                      atic knee OA were randomized to receive hyaluronic acid at baseline and 6 months (HA, n = 8),
     Correspondence: Francisco  single-dose (20 × 10 ) UC-MSC at baseline (MSC-1, n = 9), or repeated UC-MSC doses at baseline
     Espinoza, M.D., Department of  and 6 months (20 × 10 × 2; MSC-2, n = 9). Clinical scores and magnetic resonance images
     Rheumatology, Universidad de  (MRIs) were assessed throughout the 12 months follow-up. No severe adverse events were
     los Andes, Avenida Monseñor  reported. Only MSC-treated patients experienced significant pain and function improvements
     Alvaro del Portillo 12455,  from baseline (p = .001). At 12 months, Western Ontario and Mc Master Universities Arthritis
     Santiago 7620086, Chile.  Index (WOMAC-A; pain subscale) reached significantly lower levels of pain in the MSC-2-treated
     Telephone: 56 2 26181008;  group (1.1   1.3) as compared with the HA group (4.3   3.5; p = .04). Pain Visual Analog scale
                      was significantly lower in the MSC-2 group versus the HA group (2.4   2.1 vs. 22.1   9.8,
     Received March 13, 2018;  p = .03) at 12 months. For total WOMAC, MSC-2 had lower scores than HA at 12 months
     accepted for publication  (4.2   3.9 vs. 15.2   11, p = .05). No differences in MRI scores were detected. In a phase I/II trial
     October 20, 2018; first  (NCT02580695), repeated UC-MSC treatment is safe and superior to active comparator in knee
     published December 28, 2018.  OA at 1-year follow-up. STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2019;8:215–224                                                                               15
     10.1002/sctm.18-0053  Figure 3.  Efficacy outcomes. (A–C): Comparison with baseline in each group. (A): WOMAC-A pain subscale. (B): WOMAC-C function sub-
                  Figure 3.  Efficacy outcomes. (A–C): Comparison with baseline in each group. (A): WOMAC-A pain subscale. (B): WOMAC-C function sub-
                  scale. (C): Total WOMAC. (D): OMERACT-OARSI Responder Index Criteria. Abbreviation: HA, hyaluronic acid; MSC, mesenchymal stromal
                       SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT
                                                       資料來源 : Stem Cells Transl Med. 2019 Mar; 8(3): 215-224.
                  scale. (C): Total WOMAC. (D): OMERACT-OARSI Responder Index Criteria. Abbreviation: HA, hyaluronic acid; MSC, mesenchymal stromal
     This is an open access article cell; WOMAC, Western Ontario and Mc Master Universities Arthritis Index.
                  cell; WOMAC, Western Ontario and Mc Master Universities Arthritis Index.
     under the terms of the Creative  Osteoarthritis is the main disabling musculoskeletal disorder in adults, for which presently avail-
     Commons Attribution-  able treatments are only of marginal benefit. This trial provides evidence of safety and efficacy
     NonCommercial-NoDerivs  effects in OA have been revised given the more recent evi-  Table 4. Structural assessment by magnetic resonance
                      of a highly accessible allogeneic cell source that had not been tested in knee osteoarthritis, in imaging
                  effects in OA have been revised given the more recent evi-
     License, which permits use and               Table 4. Structural assessment by magnetic resonance imaging
                  dence suggesting that paracrine and anti-inflammatory actions
                      spite of its well-known biological advantages. Even if these results should be confirmed in larger
     distribution in any medium, dence suggesting that paracrine and anti-inflammatory actions  HA  MSC-1  MSC-2
                  are crucial with respect to the tissue-restoring effects of MSC
                      trials, they point the way to a simple, scalable cell-based therapy open to repeated applications
     provided the original work is are crucial with respect to the tissue-restoring effects of MSC  group  group  group  p value
                                                                            p value
                  treatments [35].
     properly cited, the use is non-  with no need for invasive surgical procedures.  WORMS at baseline
                  treatments [35].
                    For example, Ichiseki et al. [36] have examined the role
     commercial and no modifica- For example, Ichiseki et al. [36] have examined the role  WORMS at baseline  30.9   25.1 46.1   18.1 40.1   25.7  .21
                                                   Total (0–332)
                  of MSCs in an enzymatic rat OA model. When cells were
     tions or adaptations are made. MSCs in an enzymatic rat OA model. When cells were  Total (0–332)  30.9   25.1 46.1   18.1 40.1   25.7  .21
                  injected intra-articularly, an increase in the expression of TNF-α-  Articular cartilage 16.5   13.4 23.2   10.9  21   14  .3
                  injected intra-articularly, an increase in the expression of TNF-α-  Articular cartilage 16.5   13.4 23.2   10.9  21   14  .3
                       INTRODUCTION (TSG-6) was observed in the joint car-
                  stimulated gene/protein 6       disease-modifying OA drugs are described, and
                  stimulated gene/protein 6 (TSG-6) was observed in the joint car-  Meniscal integrity  1.7   1.3  1.1   1.2  2.7   1.9  .15
                                                                 1.1   1.2
                                                                       2.7   1.9
                                                   Meniscal integrity
                                                           1.7   1.3
                  tilage, with no expression in the control group. A reduction of
                                                  clinical effects of pharmacological interventions
                  tilage, with no expression in the control group. A reduction of  WORMS at 6 months
                      Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint dis-
                  metalloprotease A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with  WORMS at 6 months
                  metalloprotease A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with  remain of short duration. In consequence, cur-  .3
                                                   Total (0–332)
                                                           33.2   25.7 46.6   18.1 40.6   21.4
                      ease, leading to chronic pain, poor quality of life,
                  thrombospondin motifs 5 (ADAMTS5) levels was evidenced as  Total (0–332)  33.2   25.7 46.6   18.1 40.6   21.4  .3
                  thrombospondin motifs 5 (ADAMTS5) levels was evidenced as
                                                   Articular cartilage 16.7   14.5 22.4   10.8 21.3   14.1
                  well. TSG-6 has been reported as a mediator of the beneficial  rent aims have been directed toward the devel-  .28
                      and increased mortality [1–3]. This imposes a
                  well. TSG-6 has been reported as a mediator of the beneficial  Articular cartilage 16.7   14.5 22.4   10.8 21.3   14.1  .28
                  effect of MSCs in both cardiac and lung injury models of tissue  opment of newer cell-based therapies. Initial  .13
                                                   Meniscal integrity
                                                           1.7   1.6
                                                                       2.7   2.1
                                                                 0.9   1.2
                      major social burden due to elevated health care
                  effect of MSCs in both cardiac and lung injury models of tissue  Meniscal integrity  1.7   1.6  0.9   1.2  2.7   2.1  .13
                  damage. On the other hand, the expression of anti-Calcitonin
                                                  attempts aiming at joint repair with autologous
                  damage. On the other hand, the expression of anti-Calcitonin  WORMS at 12 months
                      costs and premature workforce retirement [4, 5].
                  Gene-Related Peptide in the C5 dorsal horn of the OA animals  WORMS at 12 months
                  Gene-Related Peptide in the C5 dorsal horn of the OA animals  chondrocytes [6, 7], thus requiring surgical  .15
                      However, despite decades of research, no true
                                                           33.6   26.3 41.5   14.3 40.5   23.9
                                                   Total (0–332)
                  was also significantly decreased, indicating a suppressive effect  Total (0–332)  33.6   26.3 41.5   14.3 40.5   23.9  .15
                  was also significantly decreased, indicating a suppressive effect
                  on the central sensitization component of pain. Saulnier  Articular cartilage 16.8   14.5 23.1   10.2 21.3   13.8  .3
                  on the central sensitization component of pain. Saulnier  Articular cartilage 16.8   14.5 23.1   10.2 21.3   13.8  .3
                  et al. [37] confirmed the reduced expression of metalloprotei-
                                                                 0.9   1.2
                                                                       2.7   2.1
                                                   Meniscal integrity
                                                           1.7   1.6
                  et al. [37] confirmed the reduced expression of metalloprotei-
     STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2019;8:215–224   1.6  © 2018 The Authors  .13
                                                   Meniscal integrity
                                                                 0.9   1.2
                                                                       2.7   2.1
                  nases (1, 3, and 13) after MSC injection, but describe that MSC-
             STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of AlphaMed Press
                  nases (1, 3, and 13) after MSC injection, but describe that MSC-
                  conditioned medium can also convey these anti-inflammatory  Data are presented as n (%) or mean   SD.
                  conditioned medium can also convey these anti-inflammatory  Data are presented as n (%) or mean   SD.
                                                  Abbreviations: HA, hyaluronic acid; MSC, mesenchymal stromal cells;
                  effects on OA synoviocytes. In sum, MSC treatments are known  Abbreviations: HA, hyaluronic acid; MSC, mesenchymal stromal cells;
                  effects on OA synoviocytes. In sum, MSC treatments are known  WORMS, Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score.
                                                  WORMS, Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score.
                  to induce potent anti-inflammatory, tissue-restoring, and analge-
                  to induce potent anti-inflammatory, tissue-restoring, and analge-
                  sic effects that could explain the clinical findings described in
                  sic effects that could explain the clinical findings described in
                  recent trials as well as in the present phase I/II study.  the OARSI clinical responder status was achieved by all (100%)
                  recent trials as well as in the present phase I/II study.  the OARSI clinical responder status was achieved by all (100%)
                    Indeed, the size of the effect for clinical response of the  MSC-2 group patients at 6 and 12 months. This is usually
                                                  MSC-2 group patients at 6 and 12 months. This is usually
                    Indeed, the size of the effect for clinical response of the
                  VAS score in this trial reached 0.81 for cell therapy, evidencing  achieved only in 50%–60% of patients receiving intra-articular
                  VAS score in this trial reached 0.81 for cell therapy, evidencing  achieved only in 50%–60% of patients receiving intra-articular
                  a high symptomatic impact, leading to a number needed-to-  steroids or HA during initial (3–6 months) follow-up [41, 42].
                  a high symptomatic impact, leading to a number needed-to-  steroids or HA during initial (3–6 months) follow-up [41, 42].
                  treat of only 2.1. Such an effect surpasses the usual findings  Our own data confirmed this trend, but without reaching sig-
                  treat of only 2.1. Such an effect surpasses the usual findings  Our own data confirmed this trend, but without reaching sig-
                  reported for intra-articular placebo or HA according to recent  nificance (100% vs. 62%, p = .08; Fig. 3). Taken together, our
                  reported for intra-articular placebo or HA according to recent  nificance (100% vs. 62%, p = .08; Fig. 3). Taken together, our
                  meta-analyses [38–40]. Somehow underscoring these effects,  findings suggest that clinical impact of UC-MSC treatment is
                  meta-analyses [38–40]. Somehow underscoring these effects,  findings suggest that clinical impact of UC-MSC treatment is
           © 2018 The Authors. STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE published by
           © 2018 The Authors. STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE published by
                                                      Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of AlphaMed Press
                                                      Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of AlphaMed Press
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