Page 4 - Sixth_Form_Experience_Brochure
P. 4

High Expectations

           The Sixth Form offers a chance to continue to develop the   As role models for the whole school community we will
           study skills and personal qualities that will be essential in   expect you to:
           later life. It also provides opportunities to further your
           co-curricular, cultural and sporting interests and to develop   •  Be positive and ambitious, striving to attain the best
           new ones. Sixth Form students need to be willing and able to   standard of work.
           accept individual responsibility, learn how to manage their
           own time and play a leading role as considerate members of   •  Take responsibility for your own progress by being fully
           a happy and thriving school community.              committed to the subjects you have chosen both in the
                                                               classroom and in your preparation time. You should be
           Time in the Sixth Form will pass very quickly, and it is   spending six hours per week on independent study for each
           important that you adjust to the demands of advanced level   of the subjects you have chosen.
           learning as soon as possible. All Sixth Formers are strongly
           encouraged to seek assistance whenever they need it, subject   •  Organise your time effectively, arrive punctually to all
           tutors, group tutors, the Futures Department, assistant heads   scheduled activities and meet all deadlines.
           of section and housemasters/mistresses will always be
           pleased to provide advice and guidance. Above all, we want   •  Commit to the school during term time, recognising that
           our Sixth Formers to be successful and to realise their   the school has first claim on your time and interest during
           potential in whatever avenues they pursue, whether this is   term time, including sporting commitments on Saturdays. In
           with regard to university entrance, on the sports field, or in   particular, social events, medical or dental appointments
           the arts.                                           and/or part-time employment should not be allowed to
                                                               interfere with your academic studies or co-curricular
                                                               commitments. Students are expected to arrive and depart
                                                               school on the published term dates, and will not normally
                                                               be excused for family holidays.

                                                            “ Sixth Formers leave

                                                              Millfield enriched by a

                                                              host of incredible

                                                              experiences, prepared

                                                              to enter the world as

                                                              global citizens.”

                                                              Edward James, Head of Sixth Form
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