Page 5 - Sixth_Form_Experience_Brochure
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High Expectations
Sixth Form Experience
It is hard to exaggerate the breadth of opportunity that is We also know that the Sixth Form should be about fun and
available to Sixth Formers at Millfield. From the outset of the friendship. Our Sixth Form includes around 600 students
Lower Sixth we challenge students to make the most of these from over 70 different nationalities which means that
opportunities, to push themselves, to hone their existing skills students form friendships with peers who live across the
and talents and to learn new ones. We do so because we world as well as in the UK, a diverse mix that is not matched
know that these experiences drive their personal anywhere else.
development and academic achievement, laying the
foundations for future success.
Students can choose from a vast range of sports and The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) offers a personally
after-school activities, alongside further co-curriculum rewarding educational experience in which students choose
opportunities within drama, music and dance. their own topic, proceed at their own rate, and set their own
standard. Independence is at the heart of the EPQ and
undertaking a substantial individual project can foster the
confidence and resilience needed for the rigours of higher
education. Encouraging students to select a subject of deep
personal interest is fundamental if they are to find the
necessary motivation to complete the project to a high
This programme is unique to Millfield and designed to enable
our students to build upon their skills in four different areas
of their personal development. This is a cumulative award,
which offers our students the opportunity to acquire different
levels of achievement in accordance with how much they
both engage and lead within the various extra-curricular and
volunteer opportunities we have on offer at the school. The
highest level of award would however come from an initiative
that they themselves designed and managed.