Page 8 - Sixth_Form_Experience_Brochure
P. 8
Top academic, committee
member and future engineer
I have been at Millfield for four years and each year my
experience has got better and better. The number of
opportunities is phenomenal and keeps on growing,
allowing me to try many more things than I would have
ever dreamed of. For example, I am now part of the ladies
1st XII clay pigeon shooting team, alongside four other
sports that I play at different levels and all with
exceptional coaching and facilities. They range from
one-to-one coaching sessions to team sports with a
variety of different teaching styles, which combined have
allowed me to improve dramatically whilst having fun.
I am currently studying A levels in Mathematics, Further
Mathematics, Physics and Geography. Studying four A
levels has been a seamless step up from GCSEs thanks to
the incredible support from the teachers who have helped
me learn how to manage my workload with my sporting
and co-curricular commitments. There is always a range
of talks that we can attend, from students, lecturers and
with outside companies visiting the school which are
fantastic for learning something new, whether it be
related to one of my subjects or my wider interests.
Furthermore, they have inspired me to present a talk to
my peers on mechanical engineering. Being with so many
other enthusiastic students in these subjects has made
it hard to choose just one course to study, however I
am currently planning on applying to Cambridge
for a four-year masters course in engineering.
Managing such a full timetable has been a
learning curve, however it has pushed me
to work harder and take part in
everything that I want to, engaging with
even more aspects of school life. I am
part of the year group council, eco
committee and catering committee,
where I can help put forward mine and
other people’s views in order to make the
school an even better place. The different
committees allow a range of student
voices to be heard and allow the school to
act upon our ideas; being a part of that is
really great. It can be a challenge to make
time for myself, however there is always a
range of plays and performances going on in
the music and drama departments which
allow me to relax and enjoy someone else’s
hard work perfecting their pieces.
My Sixth Form experience at Millfield has
been fantastic and it has pushed me to
take advantage of every opportunity
and manage it with the help of an
extremely supportive community. I
am excited to see where the rest
of my journey at Millfield will go.