Page 12 - Sixth_Form_Experience_Brochure
P. 12


           Prefect, swimmer, top academic

           I joined Millfield in Year 9 without knowing what would
           come next. Balancing swimming with my academic
           commitments has often proved challenging. Adaptations
           to create a suitable schedule have evened out this load
           and helped me to develop essential time management
           skills that I will value throughout my life. There is an
           immense support system available in the Sixth Form and
           many opportunities to engage in, whether in academia,
           sport, music or socially.
           I am currently studying Biology, Chemistry,
           Mathematics and Physics A levels with aspirations to
           study medicine at university. Engaging with the
           aspiring medics group has been essential to exploring
           the healthcare system and understanding the highly
           competitive nature of the application process.
           One-to-one sessions with an experienced advisor
           has guided me through my Oxbridge application and
           preparation for the next steps in my life.
           As part of the top academics group I have developed my
           research skills and been provided with the opportunity to
           present my work. The Sixth Form format encourages
           individual responsibility and I have learnt to take full
           advantage of the opportunities to extend beyond the
           curriculum, such as guest speaker lectures, utilising the
           library’s resources and taking part in challenges such as
           Olympiads. My teachers have also guided me on
           extended reading to deepen my understanding of the
           medical career I wish to pursue.
           My competitive nature in the sport has been fuelled by
           the challenging environment that keeps me focused on
           wanting to improve and develop. The world class facilities,
           nutrition advice, performance analysis, personalised
           strength and conditioning sessions and top coaches all
           cumulate to produce the optimum training regime for me
           to progress as a swimmer and this has shaped me into the
           person I am.
           I love that Millfield gives me the chance to meet people
           from a vast variety of backgrounds and learn about the
           different cultures of international students. The global
           community provides a multitude of networking
           opportunities and I have benefitted from learning about
           the journey of Old Millfieldian’s through their medical
           The most important advice I can give
           someone joining Millfield is to embrace the
           school values  - have the courage to throw
           yourself at the opportunities at Millfield as this
           will create an authentic experience to explore
           your curiosity and be brilliant.
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