Page 30 - MSD-CareerActionPlan2019-2020
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Page 30                                                                      Career Action Planning 2021-2022
        Family and Consumer Sciences

        Family and Consumer Science                             10th, 11th, 12th                    1 year,  1 credit
                                                                Prerequisite:                           Family & Consumer science
        10th, 11th, 12th                     1 year, 1 credit
                                                                Food Safety focuses on the development of essential food safe-
        Emphasis is given to the development of competencies related   ty practices needed to select, receive, store, prepare, and serve
        to Family, Career, an Community Leaders of America; individu-  food.  Students  will  learn  to  create  and  implement  an  environ-
        al and family relationships; housing and interior design; ward-  ment of food safety procedures based on the latest FDA Food
        robe  planning  and  selection;  garment  care  and  construction;   Code and local regulations.
        the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of   Experiences in the Food and Nutrition course focus on the de-
        children; nutrition and food selection; healthy lifestyle choices;   velopment  of  skills  needed  to  select,  prepare,  and  serve  food
        meal  planning,  preparation  and  service;  home  management;   which  meets  nutritional needs  of  individuals  and  families. Em-
        money  management;  the  application  of  current  technology  in   phasis in this course is given to the development of competen-
        the home and workplace.  Upon completion of this course, the   cies related to nutrition, weight control, the food consumer, the
        student should have developed life skills that promote a posi-  effect of technology on food and nutrition, kitchen organization
        tive influence on the quality of life.                  and  equipment,  safety  and  sanitation,  menu  planning,  serving
                                                                and eating food, food preparation, eating away from home, and
        Dynamics of Human Relationships                         jobs and career opportunities in the field of food and nutrition.
                                                                Upon completion of this course, students should be able to ap-
        10th, 11th, 12th                     1 year, 1 credit   ply sound nutritional practices which will have a positive effect
        Prerequisite:                          Family & Consumer Science   on health.
                                      Life Span Development

        Dynamics  of  Human  Relationships  focuses  on  the  develop-  Life and Fitness Nutrition
        ment of skills needed in order to build and maintain successful
        relationships in the home, community, and workplace. Empha-  11th, 12th                                    1 year,  1 credit
        sis is given to the development of competencies related to per-  Prerequisite:                            Family & Consumer science
        sonality  development,  decision-making,  communication,  rela-                       Food Safety & nutrition
        tionships outside the family, and careers in the field of human
        relations.  Upon completion of  this course,  the student  should   Life and Fitness Nutrition enables students to analyze the inter-
        have a better understanding of self; know how to communicate   action of nutrition, foods, and fitness for overall wellness of indi-
        effectively; and be able to establish and maintain effective rela-  viduals and families throughout the lifespan. In this course, stu-
        tionships with family members, peers and others.        dents will develop nutrition and fitness habits to make wise deci-
                                                                sions regarding healthy living and prevention of disease through
                                                                these practices. As active learners, students develp higher order
        Personal Finance                                        thinking skills and academic skills in the areas of math, science,
                                                                language arts and social studies through the evaluation of rele-
        10th, 11th, 12th               1 semester, 1/2 credit   vant nutrition and wellness information. This course is recom-
                                                                mended for all students regardless of their career cluster or
        This is a one-semester course designed to increase financial   pathway, in order to build basic nutrition and  wellness
        literacy and prepare students to successfully manage financial   knowledge and skills, and is especially appropriate for students
        resources.  This  course  also  focuses  on  the  individual's  role   with an interest in human services, wellness/fitness, health, or
        and  financial  responsibilities  as  a  student,  citizen,  consumer,   food and nutrition related career pathways.
        and  active participant in the business world. Emphasis is also
        placed also on activities and competitions within career tech-
        nical student organizations (i.e., FBLA and FCCLA).

        Life Span Development

        10th, 11th, 12th                     1 Year, 1 credit
        Prerequisite:                          Family & Consumer Science

        Life Span Development is designed to assist students in devel-
        oping an understanding of parenting decisions, processes, and
        concerns, pregnancy and childbirth as well as competencies
        needed to guide the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social
        development of children. Upon completion of this course, the
        student should be prepared to care for and guide the develop-
        ment of a child through all stages of growth-within a family, as
        a child-care professional, or in other experiences with children.

        Food Safety and Nutrition

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