Page 31 - MSD-CareerActionPlan2019-2020
P. 31
Career Action Planning 2021-2022 Page 31
Additional Opportunities
Driver’s Education .
10th, 11th, 12th 1 semester, 1/2 Local Credit
Prerequisites: 2.0 from previous grading semester 11th, 12th 1 year, 1 Credit
Students will receive class instruction that will help prepare them
REQUIRED BEFORE ENROLLING: for the world of work as well as their next step after high school.
VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE OR PERMIT Students will receive help in preparing a professional resume,
assistance with job interview skills, budgeting and money man-
This course will prepare students to drive safely, learn rules agement techniques, and assistance with both short term and
of the road, apply basic driving skills, learn vehicle systems long term goal setting. Students will receive assistance with col-
and maintenance, and teach students what to do in emergen- lege/technical school and scholarship application processes.
cies. This course will also teach the students how to read
road maps, plan trips, recognize hazardous road conditions, .
and deal with social pressures such as drinking and driving.
11th, 12th 1 year, 2 Credits
Students who participate in JAG Work-Based Learning must also
be enrolled in JAG class. JAG Work-Based is an extension of the
classroom and gives the students an opportunity to balance work
10th, 11th, 12th 1 semester, 1/2 Credit
and school.
The major goal of this online course is to engage students
in their own future success as a digital learner. Students will
have the knowledge to take advantage of learning opportu-
nities while adapting to changing trends in local, national,
and global workforce economy. This digitally-administered
course meets the state requirement for Arkansas graduates
to receive a minimum of one semester of computer-based
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