Page 297 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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3rd demonstrates understanding of mental health as consistently demonstrates skills that explains the factors that affect the Week 1 to
Quarter a dimension of holistic health for a healthy life promote mental health promotion of good mental health Week 2
explains that stress is normal and
differentiates eustress from distress
identifies situations that cause feelings
of anxiety or stress
identifies physical responses of the Week 3
body to stress
identifies people who can provide
support in stressful situations
differentiates healthful from Week 4 to
unhealthful strategies in coping with Week 5
demonstrates various stress
management techniques that one can
use every day in dealing with stress
explains the importance of grieving
demonstrates coping skills in managing
loss and grief
recognizes triggers and warning signs of Week 6 to
common mental disorders Week 8
discusses the types, sign, symptoms,
and prevention, treatment and
professional care in managing common
mental health disorders
4th demonstrates understanding of non- consistently demonstrates personal explains non-communicable diseases Week 1 to
Quarter communicable diseases for a healthy life responsibility and healthful practices based on cause and effect, signs and Week 3
in the prevention and control of non- symptoms, risk factors and protective
communicable diseases factors and possible complications
corrects myth and fallacies about non- Week 4
communicable diseases
practices ways to prevent and control Week 5
non-communicable diseases