Page 293 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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analyzes how the use and abuse of Week 5 to
caffeine, tobacco and alcohol can Week 6
negatively impact the health of the
individual, the family and the
demonstrates life skills in keeping Week 7
healthy through the non-use of
gateway drugs
follows school policies and national Week 8 to
laws related to the sale and use of Week 9
tobacco and alcohol
4th demonstrates understanding of basic first aid practices appropriate first aid explains the nature and objectives of Week 1
Quarter principles and procedures for common injuries principles and procedures for first aid
common injuries discusses basic first aid principles Week 2
demonstrates appropriate first aid for Week 3 to
common injuries or conditions Week 8
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.
Grade Level: Grade 6
Subject: Health
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
1st Demonstrates understanding of personal health practices self-management skills to describes personal health issues and Week 1 to
Quarter issues and concerns and the importance of prevent and control personal health concerns Week 3
health appraisal procedures and community issues and concerns demonstrates self-management skills
resources in preventing or managing them explains the importance of undergoing Week 4 to
health appraisal procedures Week 5
regularly undergoes health appraisal
identifies community health resources Week 6 to
and facilities that may be utilized to Week 8
address a variety of personal health
issues and concerns