Page 302 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 302


        Grade Level:   Grade 9
        Subject:       Health

          Quarter                  Content Standards                         Performance Standards            Most Essential Learning Competencies     Duration
            1st     The learner…                                      The learner…                           defines community and environmental        Week 1
          Quarter                                                                                            health
                    demonstrates understanding of the principles in   consistently demonstrates healthful    explains how a healthy environment        Week 2 to
                    protecting the environment for community          practices to protect the environment  positively impact the health of people      Week 4
                    wellness                                          for community wellness                 and communities (less disease, less
                                                                                                             health care cost, etc.)
                                                                                                             discusses the nature of environmental
                                                                                                             analyzes the  effects of environmental
                                                                                                             issues on people’s health
                                                                                                             suggests ways to prevent and manage       Week 5 to
                                                                                                             environmental health issues                Week 6
                                                                                                             participates in implementing an           Week 7 to
                                                                                                             environmental project such as building     Week 8
                                                                                                             and maintaining a school garden or
                                                                                                             conducting a war on waste campaign
                                                                                                             (depends on feasibility)
            2nd     demonstrates understanding of the dangers of      shares responsibility with community  describes the drug scenario in the          Week 1
          Quarter  substance use and abuse on the individual,         members through participation in       Philippines
                    family and community                              collective action to prevent and       discusses risk and protective factors in   Week 2
                                                                      control substance use and abuse        substance use, and  abuse
                                                                                                             analyzes situations for the use and non-
                                                                                                             use of psychoactive substances
                                                                                                             identifies the types of drugs/substances   Week 3
                                                                                                             of abuse
                                                                                                             corrects myths and misconceptions          Week 4
                                                                                                             about substance use and abuse
                                                                                                             recognizes warning signs of substance
                                                                                                             use and abuse
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