Page 303 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 303


                                                                                                             *discusses the harmful short- and long-   Week 5 to
                                                                                                             term effects of substance use and          Week 6
                                                                                                             abuse on the individual, family, school,
                                                                                                             and community
                                                                                                             explains the health, socio-cultural,
                                                                                                             psychological, legal, and economic
                                                                                                             dimensions of substance use and abuse
                                                                                                             discusses strategies in the prevention
                                                                                                             and control of substance use and abuse
                                                                                                             applies decision-making and resistance    Week 7 to
                                                                                                             skills to prevent substance use and        Week 8
                                                                                                             suggests healthy alternatives to
                                                                                                             substance use and abuse
            3rd     demonstrates understanding of first aid           performs first aid procedures with     demonstrates the conduct of  primary       Week 1
          Quarter  principles and procedures                          accuracy                               and secondary survey of the victim
                                                                                                             assesses emergency situation for
                                                                                                             unintentional injuries
                                                                                                             explains the principles of  wound         Week 2 to
                                                                                                             dressing                                   Week 3
                                                                                                             demonstrates appropriate bandaging
                                                                                                             techniques for unintentional injuries
                                                                                                             demonstrates proper techniques in         Week 4 to
                                                                                                             carrying and transporting the victim of    Week 5
                                                                                                             unintentional injuries
                                                                                                             demonstrates proper first aid             Week 6 to
                                                                                                             procedures for common unintentional        Week 8
            4th       demonstrates understanding of the concepts      consistently demonstrates resilience,  differentiates intentional injuries from   Week 1 to
          Quarter        and principles of safety education in the    vigilance and proactive behaviors to   unintentional injuries                     Week 4
                            prevention of intentional injuries        prevent intentional injuries           describes the types of intentional
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