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how evolution through natural write an essay on the importance of Explain how fossil records, comparative Week 5
selection can result in biodiversity adaptation as a mechanism for the survival anatomy, and genetic information provide
of a species evidence for evolution
Explain the occurrence of evolution Week 6
1. the influence of biodiversity on the Explain how species diversity increases the Week 7
stability of ecosystems probability of adaptation and survival of
2. an ecosystem as being capable of organisms in changing environments
supporting a limited number of Explain the relationship between population Week 7
organisms growth and carrying capacity
4th how gases behave based on the motion Investigate the relationship between: Week 1-
and relative distances between gas 1 volume and pressure at constant 2
particles temperature of a gas
2 volume and temperature at constant
pressure of a gas 3 explains these
relationships using the kinetic molecular
the structure of biomolecules, which Week 3-
Recognize the major categories of
are made up mostly of a limited biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, 4
number of elements, such as carbon,
proteins, and nucleic acids
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
the chemical reactions associated with using any form of media, present chemical Apply the principles of conservation of mass Week 5-
biological and industrial processes reactions involved in biological and to chemical reactions 6
affecting life and the environment industrial processes affecting life and the Explain how the factors affecting rates of Week 7-
environment chemical reactions are applied in food 8
preservation and materials production,
control of fire, pollution, and corrosion