Page 333 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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        Grade Level:   Grade 9
        Subject:       Science

         Quarter  Content Standard                           Performance Standard
                                                                                                          Most Essential Learning Competencies          Duration
                   The learners demonstrate                  The learners should be able to...
                   understanding of...
         1st       1. how the different structures of the    conduct an information dissemination         Explain how the respiratory and circulatory   Week 1-
                   circulatory and respiratory systems       activity on effective ways of taking care of   systems work together to transport          2
                   work together to transport oxygen-rich    the respiratory and circulatory systems      nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and
                   blood and nutrients to the different      based on data gathered from the school or    from the different parts of the body
                   parts of the body                         local health workers                         Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the      Week 2
                   2. the prevention, detection, and
                                                                                                          functioning of respiratory and circulatory
                   treatment of diseases affecting the
                   circulatory and respiratory systems
                   1. how genetic information is organized                                                Explain the different patterns of non-        Week 3-
                   in genes on chromosomes                                                                                                              4
                                                                                                          Mendelian inheritance
                   2. the different patterns of inheritance
                   how changes in the environment may        make a multimedia presentation of a          Relate species extinction to the failure of   Week 5
                   affect species extinction                 timeline of extinction of representative     populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt
                                                             microorganisms, plants, and animals          changes in the environment
                   1. the structure and function of plant    design and conduct an investigation to                                                     Week 6-
                   parts and organelles involved in          provide evidence that plants can                                                           7
                   photosynthesis                            manufacture their own food                   Differentiate basic features and importance
                   2. the structure and function of                                                       of photosynthesis and respiration
                   mitochondrion as the main organelle
                   involved in respiration
         2nd       1. the development of                                                                  Explain how the Quantum Mechanical Model  Week 1
                   atomic models that led                                                                 of the atom describes the energies and
                   to the description of the                                                              positions of the electrons
                   behavior of electrons                                                                  Recognize different types of compounds        Week 2
                   within atoms                                                                           (ionic or covalent) based on their properties
                                                                                                          such as melting point, hardness, polarity, and
                                                                                                          electrical and thermal conductivity;
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