Page 331 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 331


                                                                                                          Explain the functions of circuit breakers,    Week 7
                                                                                                          fuses, earthing, double insulation, and other
                                                                                                          safety devices in the home
         2nd       the relationship between faults and      1. participate in decision making on where    Using models or illustrations, explain how    Week 1
                   earthquakes                              to build structures based on knowledge of     movements along faults generate earthquakes
                                                            the location of active faults in the          Differentiate the                             Week 1-
                                                            community                                        1 epicenter of an earthquake from its      2
                                                            2. make an emergency plan and prepare an             focus;
                                                            emergency kit for use at home and in             2 intensity of an earthquake from its
                                                            school                                               magnitude;
                                                                                                                 3 active and inactive faults
                                                                                                          Explain how earthquake waves provide          Week 3
                                                                                                          information about the interior of the earth
                   the formation of typhoons and their      1. demonstrate precautionary measures         Explain how typhoon develops and how it is    Week 4
                   movement within the PAR                  before, during, and after a typhoon,          affected by landmasses and bodies of water
                                                            including following advisories, storm                                                       Week 5
                                                            signals, and calls for evacuation given by
                                                            government agencies in charge
                                                                                                          Trace the path of typhoons that enter the
                                                                                                          Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) using a
                                                            2. participate in activities that lessen the   map and tracking data
                                                            risks brought by typhoons

                   characteristics of comets, meteors, and  discuss whether or not beliefs and practices                                                Week 6
                                                                                                          Compare and contrast   comets, meteors, and
                   asteroids                                about comets and meteors have scientific      asteroids
         3rd       the particle nature of matter as basis   present how water behaves in its different    Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and   Week 1-
                   for explaining properties, physical      states within the water cycle                 gases based on the particle nature of matter;  2
                   changes, and structure of substances                                                   Explain physical changes in terms of the      Week 3-
                   and mixtures                                                                           arrangement and motion of atoms and           4
                   the identity of a substance according to                                               Determine the number of protons, neutrons,  Week 5-
                   its atomic structure                                                                   and electrons in a particular atom;           6
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