Page 464 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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                                                                       Presents a novel concept or project with accompanying visuals/ graphic
              S1/2        The learner           The learner            Analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s in manifestoes                  Week 11-20
                          understands the       presents a             Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments
               2          principles and uses   convincing position    supported by properly cited factual evidences
           Quarter/4      of a position paper   paper based on         Writes various kinds of position papers
             Quarter                            properly cited
                                                factual evidence;
                                                produces an
                                                insightful statement
                                                of principles and
                                                reasons for
                                                establishing a
                                                coming up with a
                                                group exhibit of
                                                creative works, etc.
                          The learner           The learner            Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports
                          understands the       produces a well-       Designs, tests and revises survey questionnaires*
                          principles and uses   written report for     Conducts surveys, experiments or observations*
                          of surveys,           various disciplines    Gathers information from surveys, experiments, or observations*
                          experiments and                              Summarizes findings and executes the report through narrative and
                          scientific                                   visual/graphic forms
                          observations                                 Writes various reports

        Grade Level: Grade 11/12
        Subject:   Entrepreneurship

              Quarter          Content Standards             Performance Standards            Most Essential Learning Competencies              Duration
         1  Quarter         The learner                 The learner independently
                            demonstrates                creates/provides a quality and      Discuss the relevance of the course          Week 1-2
                            understanding of key        marketable product and/or
                            concepts, underlying        service in Entrepreneurship as      Explore job opportunities for
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