Page 474 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 474
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration
The learner The learner is able to… The learner…
understanding of…
2. the importance
of qualitative
research across
fields of inquiry
1. the range of formulate clearly designs a research project related to daily life Week 3 to 4
research topics in statement of research writes a research title
the area of inquiry problem provides the justifications/reasons for conducting the research
2. the value of states research question
research in the area indicates scope and delimitation of research
of interest cites benefits and beneficiaries of research
3. the specificity and presents written statement of the problem
feasibility of the
problem posed
1. the criteria in 1. select, cite, and selects relevant literature Week 5 to 6
selecting, citing, and synthesize properly cites related literature using standard style
synthesizing related related literature synthesizes information from relevant literature
literature 2. use sources according writes coherent review of literature
2. ethical standards to ethical standards follows ethical standards in writing related literature Week 7 to 8
in writing related 3. present written review presents written review of literature
literature of related literature
2 1. qualitative 1. describe qualitative chooses appropriate qualitative research design Week 1 to 2
Quarter research designs research designs, describes sampling procedure and sample
2. the description of sample, and data plans data collection, data gathering instrument, and analysis procedures Week 3 to 4
sample collection and analysis presents written research methodology
3. data collection procedures
and analysis
procedures such as
survey, interview,
and observation