Page 476 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 476
2. the importance of quantitative Illustrates the importance of quantitative Week 1-
research across fields research across fields 3
3. the nature of variables Differentiates kinds of variables and their Week 1-
uses 3
1. the range of research topics in formulate clearly the statement of research Designs a research used in daily life Week 4-
the area of inquiry problem 5
2. the value of research in the area Writes a research title Week 4-
of interest 5
3. the specificity and feasibility of Describes background of research Week 4-
the problem posed 5
States research questions Week4-7
Indicates scope and delimitation of study Week 4-
Presents written statement of the Week 4-
problem 5
1. the formulation of conceptual 1. formulate clearly conceptual framework, Illustrates and explain the conceptual Week 6-
framework research hypotheses (if appropriate), and define framework 7
2. the research hypotheses terms used in study Defines terms used in study Week 6-
(if appropriate) 3. present objectively written review of related 7
3. the definition of terms as used literature and conceptual framework Lists research hypothesis (if appropriate) Week 6-
in the study 7
Presents written review of related Week 6-
literature and conceptual framework 7
4 1. quantitative research design describe adequately quantitative research designs, Chooses appropriate quantitative Week 1-
Quarter 2. description of sample sample, instrument used, intervention (if research design 3
3. instrument development applicable), data collection, and analysis Describes sampling procedure and sample Week 1-
4. description of intervention (if procedures 3
applicable) Constructs an instrument and establishes Week 1-
5. data collection and analysis its validity and reliability 3
procedures such as survey, Describes intervention (if applicable) Week 1-
interview and observation 3
6. guidelines in writing research Plans data collection procedure Week 1-
methodology 3