Page 481 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 481


         Quarter     Content Standards          Performance Standards                          Most Essential Learning Competencies                     Duration

                                                                               d. pricing power
                                                                               e. others

                                                                               *Analyze the effects of contemporary economic issues affecting the        Week 6
                                                                               Filipino entrepreneur

            2                                                                  *Analyze different  principles, tools, and techniques in creating a      Week 7
          Quarter  industry analysis, its   apply tools and techniques for     business
                    principles, tools, and   business opportunities like the
                    techniques leading to  SWOT/TOWS analysis                  *Apply business principles, tools, and techniques in participating in     Week 8-
                    the identification of                                      various types of industries in the locality                                  9
                    business               conduct a survey of macro and
                    opportunities          micro environments affecting
                                           business in a locality

                    various                conduct a socioeconomic impact
                    socioeconomic          study on consumers (new product  *Explain the effects of the various socio-economic factors affecting        Week 10
                    impacts of business    and services); suppliers; investors  business and industry
                    on the following       (capital, income) government (tax
                    sectors: consumer,     revenues, poverty alleviation,
                    supplier and           basic services); households         * Evaluate the viability and impacts of business on the community          Week
                    investors,             (standard of living, employment)                                                                               11-12
                    government,            and international trade (exports
                    households, and        and imports of goods and                                                                                     Week 12
                    international trade
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