Page 485 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 485


        Grade Level:  Grade 12
        Subject:       Business Finance

         Quarter          Content Standards                     Performance Standards                     Most Essential Learning competencies           Duration

                      The learners demonstrate an              The learners are able to…                              The learner…
                           understanding of…
            3       the definition of finance, the     1. define Finance                           explain the major role of financial management and     Week 1
         Quarter    activities of the financial        2. describe who are responsible for         the different individuals involved                      to 2
                    manager, and financial             financial management within an              distinguish a financial institution from financial
                    institutions and markets           organization                                instrument and financial market

                                                       3. describe the primary activities of the   explain the flow of funds within an organization –
                                                       financial manager                           through and from the enterprise—and the role of
                                                       4. describe how the financial manager       the financial manager
                                                       helps in achieving the goal of the
                                                       5. describe the role of financial
                                                       institutions and markets

                   the financial planning process,    1. illustrate the financial planning process    identify the steps in the financial planning process   Week 3
                   including budget preparation,      2. prepare budgets such as projected         illustrate the formula and format for the               to 4
                   cash management, and working       collection, sales budget, production budget,  preparation of budgets and projected financial
                   capital management                 income projected statement of                statement
                                                      comprehensive income, projected of           explain tools in managing cash, receivables, and
                                                      financial position, and projected cash flow   inventory
                                                      3. describe concepts and tools in working
                                                      capital management
                   the sources and uses of short-     1. distinguish debt and equity financing     compare and contrast the loan requirements of the      Week 5
                   term and long-term funds , and     2. identify the bank and nonbank             different banks and nonbank institutions and cite
                   the requirements , procedure ,     institutions in the vicinity that are possible   these institutions in the locality
                   obligation to creditor, and        sources of funds, and enumerate their
                   reportorial necessities            requirements and process for loan
                                                                                                   calculate future value and present value of money
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