Page 484 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 484
Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
entrepreneurship (basic 3.2 formulate a morally defensible position on
fairness, personnel and ethical issues in entrepreneurship like basic
customer relations fairness, personnel and customer relations
distribution dilemmas, distribution dilemmas, fraud, unfair competition, Week 2
fraud, unfair unfair communication, nonrespect of agreements,
competition, unfair environmental degradation, etc.
nonrespect of
3.3 Describe the different models and frameworks
environmental of social responsibility Week 3
degradation, etc.)
2. models and frameworks 3.4 Formulate a framework of social responsibility
of social responsibility in that reflects that reflects the practice of sound Week 4
the practice of sound business
the importance of doing 1. identify reasons for 4.1 explain the importance of establishing and
business beyond profit establishing business sustaining business enterprises as a source of Week 5
motivation. Introduction to enterprises beyond job opportunities and financial freedom
the notion of SOCIAL profit 4.2 prepare and implement a proposed personal
ENTERPRISE (meeting a 2. prepare and action plan to assist an existing small business
given social objective or implement a personal enterprise to practice ethics and social
resolving a real social action plan to assist responsibility in their business operation
problem while making ends an existing small
Week 6
meet) for poverty business enterprise
alleviation to practice ethics and
social responsibility in
their business