Page 674 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 674


                      suspension, and brake                                       -  tag steering, suspension, and brake system components               W4
                      system                                                         without damage
                      The learners demonstrate    The learners independently      -  prepare to remove and tag transmission components using             W5
                      an understanding of         remove and tag transmission        required tools and equipment
                      concepts and underlying     system components               -  remove transmission system components in accordance with            W5
                      principles of removing and                                     manufacturer / component supplier specifications
                      tagging transmission                                        -  tag transmission components                                        W5-6
                      system components
                      The learner demonstrates    The learner independently       -  demonstrate safe operation and handling of different types of       W6
                      an understanding of the     performs servicing an              batteries.
                      principles in servicing the   automotive battery.           -  demonstrate the testing of an automotive battery based on           W6
                      automotive battery.                                            manufacturer’s specification
                                                                                  -  demonstrate the procedures in removing and replacing                W7
                                                                                     batteries as per manufacturer’s standard and observing
                                                                                     personal safety.
                                                                                  -  demonstrate the procedures in servicing the battery as              W7
                                                                                     indicated in the manual and observing personal safety
                                                                                  -  demonstrate the procedures in jump starting as indicated in         W8
                                                                                     the manual and observing personal safety
             Q4       The learner demonstrates    The learners independently      -  test charging system component and identify faults based on         W1
                      an understanding of         perform servicing the              standard industry procedures
                      concepts and underlying     charging system based on        -  disassemble alternator based on the procedures stated in the        W1
                      principles in servicing the   industry standard.               service manual
                      charging system.                                            -  repair/replace and assemble alternator components/parts in         W1-2
                                                                                     accordance to service manual
                      The learner demonstrates    The learner independently       -  test starting system components and identify faults in             W2-3
                      an understanding of         performs servicing the             accordance with the industry standard procedures
                      concepts and underlying     starting system based on        -  disassemble starter motor according to service manual               W3
                      principles of servicing the   industry standard.
                      starting system.
                      The learner demonstrates                                    -  explain the principle of auto electricity according to job         W4-6
                      an understanding of the                                        requirement
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