Page 673 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 673


                      principles of maintaining                                   -  implement improvement to work processes according to                W5
                      quality system                                                 company policies and procedures
                      The learners demonstrate    The learners independently      -  identify the part/product and its end use                          W5-6
                      an understanding of         select automotive parts and     -  identify details of the part/product by accessing and using the     W6
                      concepts and underlying     products                           catalogue system
                      principles of identifying                                   -  order part/product for customers                                    W6
                      and selecting original                                      -  review personal training performance and finalize                  W6-8
                      automotive parts and                                           documentation according to organizational and legal
                      products                                                       requirements

             Q3       The learners demonstrate    The learners independently      -  prepare for work according to job requirements, including           W1
                      an understanding of         remove and replace                 method, material, and equipment
                      concepts and underlying     electrical/ electronic          -  remove electrical /electronic units/assemblies according to         W1
                      principles of removing and  units/assemblies                   company procedures/policies
                      replacing                                                   -  replace electrical/electronic units/assemblies using approved      W1-2
                      electrical/electronic                                          methods, tooling and equipment in accordance with company
                      units/assemblies                                               procedures/policies
                                                                                  -  clean up work area and maintain equipment in accordance             W2
                                                                                     with workplace procedures
                      The learners demonstrate    The independently remove        -  prepare to remove and tag engine system components                  W2
                      an understanding of         and tag engine system           -  remove engine system components in accordance with                  W3
                      concepts and underlying     components                         manufacturer / component supplier specifications
                      principles of removing and                                  -  tag engine system components without damage                         W3
                      tagging engine system
                      The learners demonstrate    The learner independently       -  prepare to remove and tag steering, suspension, and brake          W3-4
                      an understanding of         remove and tag steering,           system components according to the nature and scope of
                      concepts and underlying     suspension, and brake              work requirements
                      principles of removing and  system                          -  remove steering, suspension and brake system components in          W4
                      tagging steering,                                              accordance with manufacturer / component supplier
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