Page 676 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 676


                      concepts and underlying     measurements and
                      principles in performing    calculation based on given
                      measurements and            tasks.
                      The learner demonstrates    The learner independently       -  identify the different basic bench work operations for              W5
                      an understanding on the     performs basic bench work          construction technology                                             4
                      basic concepts and          operations following task       -  perform material measuring and measuring alternatives               W6
                      underlying technical and    specifications, job             -  perform cutting operations following task specifications, job       W6
                      scientific principles in    requirements and safety            requirements and safety procedures
                      performing basic bench      procedures.                     -  perform boring operations following task specifications, job        W7
                      work operations.                                               requirements and safety procedures

                                                                                  -  perform grinding and shaping operations                             W7
                                                                                  -  perform bending operations following task specifications, job       W8
                                                                                     requirements and safety procedures
             Q2       The learner demonstrates    The learner independently       -  perform periodic and preventive maintenance based on                W1
                      an understanding of the     performs proper                    industry standards and manufacturer’s manual
                      underlying principles in    maintenance of basic hand       -  store tools and equipment in specific places and storage area       W2
                      the maintenance of          tools and equipment based          based on industry standards and manufacturer’s manual
                      construction technology     on industry standards and
                      tools and equipment.        manufacturer’s manual
             Q2       The learner demonstrates    The learner independently       -  read and interpret information and data in the manual               W2
                      an understanding of the     performs proper data/           -  apply specifications and manual details on tasks at hand            W2
                      underlying principles in    information interpretation,     -  protect and safe keep manuals according to industry                 W2
                      manual reading and          validation and verification        standards
                      The learner demonstrates    The learner independently       -  prepare appropriate tools and materials for a task                  W3
                      an understanding of the     prepares carpentry tools and    -  inspect materials based on industry standards                      W4-5
                      underlying principles in    construction materials based
                      the preparation of          on industry standards.
                      carpentry tools and
                      construction materials.
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