Page 44 - BPA PPP-Area-V
P. 44

ParameterC.Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation andUtilization of Research


            Approved Intellectual PropertyRights(IPR)

            Intellectual PropertyPolicy andGuidelines
                   Treasuringthesubstantialcreativity, innovativeness andintellectualcontributionof the faculty, research
            andsupportstaff, aswell asstudentsin the creationof intellectualproperty,the Universityadoptsthe following

            Article I - PolicyStatement
                   As a higher education institution (HEI) tasked to develop quality human resources, researches and
            technologies for people empowerment, global competitiveness and sustainable development, ISU encourages
            technological innovations, creations, and inventions by researchers and faculty members. Pursuant to this, ISU-
            owned technologies, creations, and inventions when granted rights under existing intellectual property regimes, shall
            bemadeavailable for public useconsistent with ISU’smandateto transfer anddisseminate appropriate technologies,
            except for valid reasons that would prevent such case. In all cases, public access to ISU intellectual property rights
            is subjectto rightsof innovators,creators andinventors.

            Article II - GeneralGuidelines
            Section 1. Purposeof theseGuidelines
                   Toprovide implementingrulesandregulationsonthe PolicyofIntellectualProperty.

            Section 2. Interpretation
                   The Intellectual Property Code (IP Code) of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 8293), the Plant Variety
            Protection Act of 2002 (RA No. 9168), the Agriculture and Fishery Modernization Act (RA 8435), the Philippine
            Fisheries Code of 1998 (RA 8550), the Wildlife Act (RA 9147); Indigenous People Rights Act (IPRA Law), the
            Inventor’s andInvention IncentivesAct(RA7459);theMagnaCartafor Scientists, Engineers,Researchersandother
            Science and Technology Personnel in Government (RA8439); the Administrative Code of 1987 (EO 292); and other
            relevant laws and their corresponding amendments, implementing rules and regulations are deemed legal bases of
            theseGuidelines.In caseof conflict in the interpretation ofits provisions,theseguidelinesshallbeinterpreted in favor
            ofthe ISUinventor,author,breeder,orotherholdersofIPR.

            2. IMPLEMENTATION

            Policies andguidelines in theconduct of ResearchActivities
                Major stepsinDevelopingtheR&Dprograms
                    Research programs are generally considered as consisting of interrelated  and complementary projects
             usuallyimplementedusingthe multidisciplinaryortransdisciplinaryapproachtomeetestablishedgoals withinspecific
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