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               A                                            requirements, 9C2
                                                            standard formula, 9C2A
               ab initio, 3A1
                                                          captive insurers, 2B1C
               actuaries, 2I5
                                                          cash payment, 7A2A
               agency, 3G
                                                          cedant, 2H2
                 by consent, 3G2A
                                                          ceding office, 2H2
                 by necessity, 3G2B
                                                          Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), 10A
                 by ratification, 3G2C
                                                            Code of Ethics, 10A1
                 termination of, 3G7
                                                             central principles, 10A2
                                                          claimant, 3 intro
                 actual authority, 3G6A
                                                          claims fraud, 9E1, 9E4
                 apparent/ostensible authority, 3G6B
                                                            detection, 9E4B
                 consequences of actions, 3G6
                                                            prevention, 9E4A
                 duties of, 3G4
                                                          claims personnel, 2I2
                 of the insured, 3G3A
                                                          co-insurance, 1I1
                 of the insurer, 3G3B
                                                          combined/packaged policies, 1L1F
               agent(s), 2E2
                                                          commercial combined policies, 1L1F
               agent/principal relationship, 3G3
                                                          commercial package policies, 1L1F
               aggregators, see price comparison websites
                                                          commercial property insurance, 5B4C
               agreed value policies, 7D1
                                                          common insurable interest, 8A2A
               appointed representatives, 2E5
                                                          common law, 4C1
               Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association
                                                          common peril, 8A2B
                 (APRIA), 2I6
                                                          common subject-matter, 8A2C
               Association of Insurance and Risk Managers in                                                     Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                                                          companies, 2A1C
                 Industry and Commerce (AIRMIC), 2I6
                                                          complaints procedures, 10C3
               associations and clubs, 2A1E
                                                          compliance and audit
               authorisation, 9A
                                                            role of, 10C2
               average, 7E3
                                                          compliance function, 10C2A
                 variations in conditions of, 7E3A
                                                          compliance officers, 2I7
               aviation insurance, 1L1E
                                                          composite companies, 2B2
                                                          compulsory insurances, 5E
               B                                          conditional acceptance, 3D2
                                                          consideration, 3E
               benefit policies, 7A1, 8F2
               breach of the duty of fair presentation
                                                            compensation, 9A
                 by the insurer, 5D3
                                                            education, 9A
                 remedies, 5D1
                                                          continuity analysis, 10C1G
               breach of warranty, 3F3C
               brokerage, 2D1
                                                            breach, 8D2
               buildings, 7C2A
                                                            essentials of a valid, 3A1
               business interruption insurance, 1L1B
                                                            law, 3A
               buyers, 2A1
                                                          contracting out of Insurance Act 2015, 5B1B
                                                          contribution, 8A
                                                            application, 8B
               C                                            condition, 8A1
               cancellation of risks, 3H11                  how it arises, 8A2
               capacity to contract, 3C                     modifications to principle, 8B2
               capital adequacy, 9C                       corporate governance, 9A
                 and solvency control levels, 9C3         creating an agent/principal relationship, 3G2
                 establishing and maintaining, 9C1        credit, 1L1B
                 internal models, 9C2B                    customer due diligence (CDD), 9D3
                 monitoring and intervention, 9C3A
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