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Index xvii
brokers, 2E1 legal relationship, 4A1B
cancellation of, 3F legal risk, 9D
classes of, 1L liability insurance, 1L1D, 4D2, 7B2, 7C3
market life assurance, 4B2, 4B4
structure of, 2A limitation of an insurer’s right to information,
need for, 1F 5B4E
professionals, 2I limited liability/proprietary companies, 2B1A
regulator, 9A livestock insurance, 1L1A
vulnerabilities in, 9D1A Lloyd’s
insured perils, 6A2 business plan, 2D2
insurer’s insurance brokers, 2E3
right to cancel, 3F1 syndicates, 2D
rights concerning subject-matter, 8E transacting business at, 2D1
subrogation rights, 8D loss adjusters, 2I3
insurer’s duty of disclosure, 5B3 loss assessors, 2I4
insurer(s), 2B
types of, 2B1, 2B2
insurer/intermediary best practice, 3H, 3H1
appointment, 3H2 machinery and contents, 7C2B
arbitration options, 3H12 managing agents, 2D
authorisation and prohibitions, 3H3 manufacturers’ stock in trade, 7C2C
authority, 3H16 marine insurance, 1L1E, 4B1, 4B4, 7C1
cancellation of risks, 3H11 cargo, 1L1E
claim money, 3H8 freight, 1L1E
claims, 3H9 hull, 1L1E
commission, 3H5 market discipline, 9A
compliance responsibilities, 3H4 Market Reform Contract, 2D1
confidentiality, 3H14 material circumstance, 5B1 Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
indemnity, 3H17 material circumstances, 5B1A
material information, 3H6 material facts, 5C
premiums and credit, 3H7 features, 5C1
signature, 3H15 in non-life proposals, 5C2
termination, 3H10 medical insurance
variation of terms, 3H13 personal accident, 1L1G
intermediaries, 2E members’ agents, 2D
services provided by, 2E4 minimum capital requirement (MCR), 9C3A
intermediary fraud, 9E1, 9E5 minors, 3C1
detection, 9E5A misrepresentation, 5 intro
prevention, 9E5A consequences of, 5D
internal audit, 10C2B remedies, 5D2
internal auditors, 2I8 consumer insurance, 5D2A
internal control system, 10C money insurance, 1L1A
internal fraud, 9E1, 9E3 money laundering, 9D, 9D1
detection, 9E3B moral hazard, 1E3, 5C2B
prevention, 9E3A motor insurance, 1L1C, 5B4C
International Association of Insurance Supervisors mutual companies, 2B1B
(IAIS), 9B
core principles, 9B1
item limits, 7E2 N
negligent fellow employees, 8F4
L new for old cover, 7D3
non-contribution clauses, 8B2A
law of large numbers, 1G1 non-disclosure, 5 intro
legal expenses insurance, 1L1B consequences of, 5D
legal relations non-financial risks, 1C1
intention to create, 3B non-Lloyd’s brokers, 2D