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xvi           W01/March 2017  Award in General Insurance

                       D                                          fraud, 9E
                                                                    definition of, 9E1
                       day one reinstatement, 7C2A
                                                                    managing risk, 9E2
                       deductible, 7E4
                                                                    types of, 9E1
                       defendant, 3 intro
                                                                  fraudulent claims, 3F1A
                       direct marketing channels, 2F, 2F1
                                                                  frequency, 1E2A
                         features of, 2F1A
                                                                    significance of, 1E2C
                       distribution channels, 2F
                                                                  fulfilment, 3F3A
                       dual insurance, 1J
                                                                  fundamental risks, 1C3
                       duty of disclosure, 5B
                         at inception, 5B4A
                         continuing requirement, 5B4C             G
                         modification by policy wordings, 5B4
                         on alteration, 5B4D                      general insurance, 1L1, 4B3, 4B4
                         on renewal, 5B4B                         glass cover, 1L1A
                       duty of fair presentation, 5B1             good faith, 5
                       duty to take reasonable care not to make a  governance, 10C1A
                         misrepresentation, 5 intro               Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP), 1L1B

                       E                                          H
                                                                  hazard, 1E3
                       economic and regulatory capital, 10C1F
                                                                  health insurance
                       employers’ liability insurance, 1L1D
                                                                    critical illness, 1L1G
                       enforcement, 9A
                                                                    payment protection indemnity, 1L1G
                       engineering/breakdown cover, 1L1A
                                                                    personal accident, 1L1G
                       equitable premiums, 1G2
                                                                    sickness, 1L1G
                       ethical standards, 10A
                                                                  Heinrich triangle, 1E2B
                       excepted/excluded perils, 6A2
                                                                  home service agents, 2F1                       Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                       excess, 7E4
                                                                  homogeneous exposures, 1D4
                                                                  household goods, 7C2E
                       F                                          household insurance, 1L1F
                         that do not need to be disclosed, 5C3    I
                       farming stock, 7C2F
                       fidelity guarantee, 1L1B                   indemnity
                       Financial Action Task Force (FATF), 9D1, 9D2  application of, 7B
                         recommendations, 9D2, 9D2A                 definition of, 7A
                           terrorist financing, 9D2B                limiting factors, 7E
                       financial crime, 9D                          measuring, 7C
                       financial risks, 1C1                         modifying, 7D
                       financial value, 4A1C                      independent liability method, 8B1B
                       fire, special perils and ‘all risks’ policies, 1L1A  indirect marketing channels, 2F, 2F2
                       first loss policies, 7D2                   inner limits, 7E2
                       fit and proper requirements, 10B           Institute of Insurance and Risk Management
                         criminal indicators, 10B3A                 (IIRM), 2I6
                         financial indicators, 10B3B              insurable interest, 1D2
                         general requirements, 10B2                 application, 4D
                         integrity, 10B3                            creation, 4C
                         knowledge and experience of key functionaries,  definition, 4A
                           10B5                                     features, 4A1
                         other indicators, 10B3D                    of insurers, 4A1D
                         risk of unsuitability, 10B1                reform of, 4B4
                         soundness of judgment, 10B4                timing, 4B
                         supervisory indicators, 10B3C            insurable risks, 1D, 1D5
                       fortuitous event, 1D1                      insurance
                                                                    benefits of, 1H
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