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xviii         W01/March 2017  Award in General Insurance

                       O                                            risk-based, 9A1C
                                                                    supervisory tools, 9A3
                       offer and acceptance, 3D
                                                                    types of, 9A1
                         in practice, 3D4
                                                                  reinstatement, 7A2D
                       operational risk, 9D
                                                                    cash settlements under, 7C2C
                       own risk and solvency assessment, 10C1E
                                                                    conditions, 7C2A, 7C2B
                                                                    memorandum, 7C2A
                       P                                          reinsurance, 2H
                                                                    purpose of, 2H1
                       particular risks, 1C3
                                                                  reinsured, 2H2
                       partnerships, 2A1B
                       pecuniary insurance, 1L1B
                                                                    types of, 2H2
                       peril, 1E3
                                                                  repair, 7A2B
                         nature of, 6A2
                                                                  replacement, 7A2C
                       persons with mental health conditions, 3C2
                                                                  reputational risk, 9D
                       physical hazard, 1E3, 5C2A
                                                                  reserving, 2I2
                       policyholder fraud, 9E1, 9E4
                                                                  retroceding, 2H2
                         detection, 9E4B
                                                                  retrocession, 2H2
                         prevention, 9E4A
                       policyholder has no rights, 8F1
                                                                    analysis, 1B1B
                       policyholder’s right to cancel, 3F2
                                                                    attitude to, 1A4
                       political risk insurance, 1L1B
                                                                    -averse, 1A4
                       postal acceptance, 3D3
                                                                    categories of, 1C
                       precluded subrogation rights, 8F
                                                                    components of, 1E
                       prescribed capital requirement (PCR), 9C3A
                                                                    concept of, 1A
                       price comparison websites, 2G
                                                                    control, 1B1C
                                                                    definition of, 1A2
                         duties of, 3G5
                                                                    identification, 1B1A                         Reference copy for CII Face to Face Training
                       private individuals, 2A1A
                                                                    level of, 1E2
                       product liability insurance, 1L1D
                                                                    management, 1A1, 1B
                       professional indemnity insurance, 1L1D
                                                                     function of, 1B1
                       property insurance, 1L1A, 4D1, 7B1, 7C2
                                                                    management framework, 10C1
                       proposer’s duty of disclosure
                                                                    management policy, 10C1B
                         non-consumer (business) insurance, 5B1
                                                                    managers, 2I6
                       proposer’s pre-contractual information duty
                                                                    other meanings, 1A3
                         consumer insurance, 5B2
                                                                    perception, 1A1
                       protection and indemnity (P&I) clubs, 2C
                                                                    pooling of, 1G
                       proximate cause, 6
                                                                    responsiveness and feedback loop, 10C1D
                         identifying the cause, 6A1
                                                                    -seeking, 1A4
                         meaning of, 6A
                                                                    sharing, 1I
                         modification by policy wordings, 6B
                                                                     with policyholder, 1I1A
                       public bodies, 2A1D
                                                                    tolerance statement, 10C1C
                       public liability insurance, 1L1D, 5B4C
                       public policy, 1D3
                       pure risks, 1C2                            S
                                                                  salvage, 8E
                       R                                          self-insurance, 1K
                                                                  severity, 1E2B, 1E2C
                       rateable proportion, 8B1
                                                                  significance of, 1E2C
                       regulation, 9A
                                                                  slip, 2D1
                         diagnostic tools, 9A3A
                                                                  specialist insurers, 2B2
                         market conduct, 9A2
                                                                  speculative risks, 1C2
                         prescriptive-based, 9A1A
                                                                  statute, 8D3
                         principles-based, 9A1B
                                                                  stock, 7C2D
                         prudential, 9A2
                                                                  subject-matter, 4A1A
                         remedial tools, 9A3B
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