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“No one is born hating another person because
of the colour of his skin, or his background, or
his religion. People must learn to hate, and if
they can learn to hate, they can be taught to
love, for love comes more naturally to the
human heart than its opposite.”
- Nelson Mandela
Morning assemblies provide a fantastic opportunity
to build a strong sense of community. They help
reinforce the ethos of the school, its values and its
mission to focus on the continuous development of
mind, body and soul, nurturing compassionate and
creative global citizens. As teachers and students
come together, it provides the opportunity for young
people to consider moral, social and international
issues, to develop community spirit and reinforce positive
attitudes. The special assembly on Mandela Day Praying for a Better World
conducted on July 16, 2019 enabled the young minds It Always Seems Impossible
to pause, to reflect and to think deeply about themselves, Until It’s Done
their world and beyond. Mandela Day is an occasion
for all to take action and inspire change. Through “Nelson Mandela has always been an
this assembly, children learnt that everyone has the inspiration to me. I enjoyed watching
ability to change the world for the better! the programme which contained a
lot of inspiring quotes by Nelson
Mandela. My fellow Pacificans prepared
banners and delivered beautiful
speeches on the life and idealism of
Nelson Mandela. I loved it. After the
assembly, I went to congratulate my
friends for such a beautiful presentation.
I am now aware of how racism is a
curse to humanity. I am awestruck at
the magnitude of struggle the black
South African under the leadership
of Nelson Mandela had to go through,
and the resilience they displayed to
overcome the oppression. The story We Are The World, We Are The Children
of their long fight is inspiring. Every
assembly that we have, teaches us
lessons of life.”
Tejal Doda
Together We Shall Rise VI A
“Every year on 18 July the whole
“As we were preparing for Mandela Day, we came to world celebrates the birth anniversary
know about the greatness of the life and idealism of of Nelson Mandela, lovingly called
this world leader. Nelson Mandela demanded equal Madiba. It was an inspiring assembly.
opportunity for all. He firmly believed, "Everyone can We saw a video on the life and work
rise above their circumstances and achieve success of Nelson Mandela and how he steered
if they are dedicated and passionate about what the anti-apartheid revolution. The
they do." The anti-apartheid movement under his message against stereotyping and
leadership changed South Africa and the world. In racism was loud and clear. Our
the assembly, we explained the principles that morning assemblies are ennobling
Nelson Mandela advocated and the cause- to fight and fantastic learning experiences. I
for the freedom of the black. The morning assembly am excited about more such
motivated us to realise our duty as a global citizen.” presentations, to start my day on a
Jayank Solanki positive note. ”
VA Pulkit Sharma
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Eid Mubarak