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TEACHER`S                                                                                                              “We are a box of crayons, each of us unique, but           gala event. Under the leadership of our
                                                                                                                                                                                               seniors, we all enthusiastically practised
                                                                                                                                    when we get together the picture is complete.’’
                                                                                                                                                                                               and  performed  to  make  our  assembly
             DAY                                                                                                                    Mustafa Kemal once said, “Teacher is like a candle,        memorable to our dear teachers.
                                                                                                                                    who  consumes  herself  to  light  the  way  for
                                                                                                                                    others”.The  most  memorable  programme  of  the
                                                                                                                                                                                               teachers for their guidance and support.”
                                                                                                                                    session  2019-20  was  dedicated  to  our  loving          Once more, I would like to thank all my
             The Guiding Star, Teacher!                                                                                             teachers. The preparation started two weeks before         Maadhav Bhatt
             Students  of  Pacific  World  School  on                                                                                the programme.                                             VI A
             September  5,  2019,  brightened  the  day  of
             their teachers as they expressed their gratitude                                                                       We presented two mesmerizing dance performances,           “We  had  a  special  assembly  on  this
             and appreciation for their gurus. A plethora of                                                                        a humorous skit and a song written by the students.        special  occasion.  The  members  of  the
             activities and their hearty messages through                                                                           A special fashion show where our creative teachers         Student Council helped us to take  our
             cards, speeches and rhymes, dance and song                                                                             crafted  out  designer  newspaper  wear,  stole  the       seats in the auditorium in a disciplined
             elicited  a  very  emotional  and  heartwarming                                                                        heart of the audience.                                     manner.  The  ambience  inside  the
             response from the teachers. The celebrations                                                                           Being one of the volunteers, it was an admirable           auditorium was different. Unlike the usual
             helped them carve out a deeper and special                                                                             and a memorable experience. As the senior-most             time, that day the teachers occupied the
             place in their hearts for their mentors!                                                                               class,  we  showered  our  token  of  love  on  our        front rows. The students were the organisers,
                                                                                                                                    beloved teachers by handing over certificates with          managing backstage, adjusting the mikes
             Thank you for helping me grow.                                                                                         a title to each one of them.                               etc. The students of grade VIII performed
             Reyansh Rana                                                                                                           It was a privilege for us to put up a grand show for       an  incredible  and  graceful  dance.  The
             Nursery B                                                                                                              our teachers, but it was incomparable to the love          students of class VI presented a wonderful
                                                                                                                                    and care that our teachers shower on us. I am really       skit.
                           My TEACHER is                                                                                            thankful that we have teachers who love us as their        After  the  assembly,  we  all  went  to  the
                         Tanisha: “Talented’’                                                                                       own children.                                              cafeteria to eat our lunch and returned to
                        Vritee: “Enthusiastic’’                                                                                     ‘Thank you’ is but too less an expression to express       our  class.  We  and  our  class  teacher
                         Bhavya: “Adorable’’                                                                                        all my love and respect for my teachers.”                  played interesting games. We enjoyed a
                          Arham: “Cheerful’’                                                                                        Anvi Dikshit                                               lot  that day  and  I  felt very  joyous  and
                       Anveer: “Hardworking’’                                                                                       VIII A                                                     happy. When I returned home, I told my
                                                                                                                                                                                               mother about the celebration.
                         Abeer: “Energetic’’
                        Riyan: “Remarkable’’                                                                                        “As part of the grand Teacher’s Day celebration, grade     I  salute  all  my  teachers  for  their  love,
                      “We love you teachers”.                                                                                       VI  presented  a  humorous  play  to  entertain  the       passion  and commitment  and want  to
                                                                                                                                                                                               express  my  heartfelt  gratitude  for  the
                                                                                                                                    audience.  Preparing  for  the  show  was  equally
                                                                                                                                    enjoyable as presenting it. We organized a felicitation    role they play in shaping our future!”
                                                                                                                                    programme  where  we  conferred  titles  to  all  the      Aarav Ghosh
                                                                                                                                    teachers. Grade  VIII  and  all  the  members  of  the     V A
                                                                                                                                    Student Council took the initiative to organise this

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                              All Three Winners Draped In Newspaper- Together We Create And Innovate                                                                       Enlightening Lives Forever
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