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CHRISTMAS                                                  “We all sang  carols and  encouraged
                                                                        everyone to join us. The assembly made
                                                                        me realise the true meaning of Christmas
             CELEBRATIONS                                               i.e; to enjoy and cherish all the moments
                                                                        in our lives and count our blessings.”
                                                                        Manya Gupta
             “Christmas is most truly Christmas when we                 VIII A
             celebrate it by  giving the light  of love to
             those who need it most.”                                   “We all participated in the 'Joy of Giving'

             - Ruth Carter Stapleton                                    activity.  It  was  a  toy  collection  drive
                                                                        initiated by our school. On Christmas Eve,
                                                                        our school bus came to our society to
             In an endeavour to imbibe the spirit of secularism, to     collect the old toys. Then we went to gift
             foster a culture of sensitivity and respect for all, the   these toys to the underprivileged children
             school celebrates every festival with equal fervour and    in the nearby slums. This activity invoked
             gusto. The much awaited festival of Christmas was          in me a feeling of empathy and sensitivity
             celebrated in its true spirit on 23  December, 2019. The   towards the less fortunate in  the society.”
             message  of  the  assembly  was  loud  and  clear-         Jayank Solanky
             Celebrate Christmas by touching the lives of the less      V A
             fortunate and experience the joy of giving, sharing
             and caring. As the spirit of Christmas is in every shared   “The sound of carols filled the air with
             joy and every act of kindness, the school organised a      positive vibes. Bells, stars, streamers and
             Toy Donation Drive. This wonderful initiative saw an       angels  adorned  the  auditorium.  The
             enthusiastic response from Pacificans who donated           beautifully  decked  up  Christmas  tree
             generously towards this noble cause.                       created an atmosphere of festivity. We all
                                                                        prayed for love and peace to prevail in                                                       Toy Donation Drive- All For That Smile
             “Christmas time is a happy time…we had lots of fun.”       this violent-torn world. We presented a
             Aarush Sisodia                                             beautiful programme. It included dance,
                                                                        carol singing, and distribution of toffees
             Prep B                                                     by Santa, acted by one of our friends.”

             “Mujhe Christmas ki saari story pata chal gayi.”           Shreya Pandey
             Avyaan Kumar                                               VIII A
             Prep D
                                                                        “I gave wings to my imagination when I
             “Humne stage pe dance kiya aur Santa ne hume               made a snowman out of cotton for the
             chocolates di.”                                            Intra-Class Christmas Craft Competition
             Kashvi Jain                                                organised by my school. The class party
                                                                        was  awesome  and  I  really  enjoyed
             Prep D                                                     singing carols and sharing my food with
                                                                        my friends.”
             “Christmas is celebrated on 25  December. Santa
             Claus humey gift detey hain.”                              Hridhaan Jaitly
                                                                        V A
             Rushaan Khan
             Prep B

                                                                                                                                                Reach Out to Reach Within                              Share Joy to Spread Joy
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                                                    Spreading Christmas Cheer
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