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THEME BASED assembly. The moment I went up on
the stage and looked at the audience,
I was thrilled with excitement.
Everyone was all praises for me. Since
ASSEMBLIES then, I never looked back and
participated in all the class events.”
Atharv Saraswat
Our music teacher, Ajay Sir, guided us.
“Just one small positive thought in the morning We sang the song “Count on Me” “I participated in the assembly, ‘Honesty
can change your whole day.” depicting the essence of teamwork. Everybody appreciated our endeavour. This assembly is the Best Policy'. We presented a
Rap songs with beatboxing performance taught me to work as a team, organize and plan play as a team. We successfully sent
– Dalai Lama showcased our in-house talent. We had things, work meticulously and give a rocking the message to our mates in school.
a wonderful experience and fathomed performance. It was an eventful and memorable The assembly taught me that being
It is said that well began is half done. A morning the importance of teamwork. “To me, experience.” honest with everyone and myself will
assembly based on values set the day rolling with teamwork is the beauty of our sport, take me to a new height and help me
positive vibes. where you have five acting as one. You Ayan Kaushik achieve my goal.”
Our Theme Based Morning Assemblies are rejuvenating become selfless.” Shalviya Gupta
and inspirational. The purpose behind planning Manasvi Sharma “You have to accept whatever comes and the only IV A
these value-based assemblies is to inspire and mould VII A important thing is that you meet it with courage and
the young learners into sensible, and well-adjusted with the best that you have to give."- Eleanor
individuals. It is our social commitment to ensure Roosevelt
conducive environment and nurture them into beautiful
individuals. In the roller coaster ride of life, it is important to have
courage. While preparing for the assembly, I realised it.
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough”. Gratitude We presented the morning assembly with courage and
confidence, and everybody appreciated us. We mustered
is the quality of being thankful and readiness to show the courage to speak before the whole school and
appreciation. Last year our class teacher convened an became confident. Give me a mike, and I can deliver a
assembly on gratitude which was an exuberating speech. I owe it to the exposure of public speaking. I
experience. We all worked together. Our Class Teacher learned that anything is possible if you have the will
assigned different tasks to the entire class as a part of and courage to do it.
the preparation. We articulated gratitude with several
performing art forms. Our music sir schooled us to sing Our soldiers fight against the enemies courageously. I
a song on gratitude towards our mother, which had a “If the power of love overcomes the find myself highly inspired by them.
beautiful rhythm and it invoked a sense of thankfulness love of power, the world will know Principal ma'am addressed our assembly by telling us
in us. We sang “Meri Maa” from Dasvidaniya. We peace. the importance of courage and why a person should “Principal ma’am gave us a few tips
expressed our indebtedness towards our elders, be courageous at his work. to relieve the exam stress. One of
teachers and our Mother Earth.” Class VI presented an assembly on them will stay with me forever. She
urged that we should find some time
Paarth Nagpal PEACE where we paid a heartfelt It was a learning experience for me. I enjoyed participating to take a refreshing walk in the park
tribute to global peacemakers and
VII A noble prize winners like Nelson in the assembly.” and admire nature. Nature is a great
Mandela, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Aryan Srivastava stress reliever.”
Gandhi. They dedicated their lives to Carol M. Antony
bring peace to the world and did III A
exceptional work for human welfare. “Public speaking is the art of giving power to words.
The assembly concluded with the Public-Speaking is the most challenging task in the
thought that each one of us must do world. But in my school, I get ample opportunities to
our bit in restoring peace and reach speak in the microphone, addressing my friends. I
a state of inner happiness to create a consider myself fortunate that I got this opportunity.
better world.” Being new to the school, I was very nervous before the
Kushagra Gupta
“The assembly on peace was an
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is endeavour to rekindle peace and
progress. Working together is success.” Teamwork humanity in children. I felt privileged
teaches us cooperation, compassion, empathy and to shoulder the responsibility to
brings better outcomes. Our class teacher assessed conduct this assembly. My excitement
the strengths of each child and assigned every student knew no bounds. Our class teacher
their role in the event. We enacted a play on teamwork motivated us to excel and give our
which was scripted, planned and executed by the best. We all worked as a team and
students successfully. put up a beautiful programme.
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