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P. 37
“I learned many rules that must be followed in the
Avani Srivastava
“I understood why is it necessary to raise hands to
ask questions in the class.”
Grace Chugh
“It means humko achhi baat karni
chahiye. Jab hum ache kaam karenge
toh humaare saath bhi acha hi hoga.” We have two hands. One to help ourselves, the second
Aadvik Srivastava to help others!
Prep A
Save water here and there, don’t
“Dance toh mera favourite hai. Friends waste it anywhere!
ke saat dance karna mujhe acha
lagta hain.” No water, no life! So it’s our responsibility
Saanvi Tyagi to conserve this precious gift of nature.
Prep A In an effort to spread awareness
about conserving water, students of
“We should think twice before doing Prep C conducted an assembly on
anything.” ‘Water is Precious’ on 13 Dec, 2019.
Suryansh Bakshi breathtaking dance performance and
Prep A sharing of useful tips to conserve
water through placards. The little ones
Classroom rules set up a successful reminded us that ‘Water is an elixir of
Sowing and reaping are a part and parcel of the law of learning ambience! life’ and it should be wisely used and
nature. Realising that it is the incumbent moral duty of preserved for the future generation.
the teachers to sow good seeds in children, develop In our endeavour to create awareness
healthy habits and positive behaviour, the school in students about the ‘do’s and ‘don’ts’,
organised a thematic assembly on ‘As You Sow, So and to help them to make good
Shall You Reap’. choices, class 1-A presented the Little Pacificans displayed a splendid show by dressing
up as various community helpers like doctors, soldiers,
Young Pacificans successfully spread the message assembly, emphasizing the importance firefighters, policemen, chefs etc. They used props
that man is responsible for the effect of his actions and of following the classroom rules in associated with the helpers and enacted the service
urged everyone to take well informed decisions in life our daily life. Children displayed simple they provide to the society, through songs, dance and
and spread love, peace and happiness. rules with the help of a skit and a enactment.
group song.
“Hame soch samajkar kaam karna chahiye.” “I learnt that we should be disciplined It was an endeavour to sensitize students about the
contribution and significance of community helpers in
Mokshavi Gupta in the class.” our lives and to help them to grow up to be kind and
Prep A Kairav Kaushik empathetic individuals.
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