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Believing that learning cannot be confined to the Here we come!
four walls of a classroom and restricted to just books
and smartboards, Pacific World School organises a
number of field trips and excursions for the young
learners. Such trips offer a great opportunity to
students to feel, observe, learn and have hands-on
experience. Moreover, field trips contribute greatly
to build self-confidence, soft skills, life skills,
communication skills and foster a sense of teamwork
and community.
WIN FROM To bring learning to life and provide deeper learning
experiences, an educational trip to the National
WITHIN Zoological Park was organised for the little Pacificans
of class Prep. Students were encouraged to observe
SKATING the characteristics, movements, habitats, sounds
and the behaviour of the animals.
The visit to the Zoo was informative and entertaining “I saw many wild animals. They were
as it helped our little Pacificans to co-relate the big and huge.”
concepts they had been learning in class with real Ranvijay Rathi
life experiences gathered at the zoo. During the Prep A
journey they were also sensitized about the pressing
need to protect and conserve wildlife. “I got very excited to hear the lion
THEIR OBSERVATIONS roaring in real life. I was hearing it for
the first time.”
Prep C
I went to the zoo in my big yellow school bus. Bahut
mazaa aaya tha. I enjoyed watching animals like deer, “I saw a hippopotamus with her baby
hippopotamus, and monkeys. I also saw colourful in the water. I think they love to stay
birds. But tiger nahi dikha mujhe. in water.”
Aarika Singhal Adrika Talukdar
Prep A Prep D
“I saw many naughty monkeys. They
were chasing each other. It was fun
to watch them.”
Anhad Kaur
Prep B
“I saw a big tiger in the zoo. It had
lovely stripes.”
Tejas Sharma
Amazing Animals!
80 Prep C 81