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TRIP TO THE “The trip to the planetarium was A VISIT TO THE “Last year, we visited the Parliament
of India and had an opportunity to
astonishing. We learned many new
observe the real parliamentary
things there, like how to find out our
NEHRU weight on other planets. The PARLIAMENT proceedings. We have read about
calculations and the results were
the government and how it works in
PLANETARIUM: really interesting. The highlight of “Facts cannot be observed without the guidance of our Social Science book. A real-time
the visit was the show in the sky dome
experience of that was so thrilling!
After a long strict security check,
theatre which featured information
about stars, planets, constellations, some theory. Without such guidance, our facts passing through several stages, we
“I never teach my pupil. I only provide the galaxies etc.” would be desultory and fruitless; we could not finally got to attend the 30 min
retain them: for the most part, we could not even
conditions in which they can learn.” Aryaa Avasthi perceive them." session where we saw the finance
minister, Ms Nirmala Sitharaman and
- Albert Einstein. V A - Auguste Comte many more ministers. The topic they
Our budding scientists, doctors, lawyers, CEOs and were discussing was the security of
engineers have a big appetite for knowledge. Their “The trip to the planetarium was a The students of Grade VII and VIII visited the Parliament messaging apps like Whatsapp,
unquenching thirst and eagerness to know about very exhilarating and memorable of India. It was a fascinating experience for them. Snapchat etc. The honourable Minister
the mysteries of the universe are insatiable. Hence, one. The day was fun-filled. The They had the golden opportunity to experience the of Law and Justice Mr Ravi Shankar
an educational excursion to the Nehru Planetarium excitement started with the bus most beautiful aspect of democracy, debating, as Prasad argued that cyber laws should
in New Delhi was organised to quench their thirst for journey. I read a passage about they observed the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha be made more stringent. What a
scientific literacy and astronomical concept. The trip Rakesh Sharma and also saw a from the gallery. It was as if the pages of their Social majestic experience I had!”
was indeed a flight through the universe and proved space-suit. We also visited the Nehru Science book leapt up into action as they witnessed Aaryan Kansal
to be an enjoyable learning experience for the Museum.” a debate in the well of the Upper House. VIII A
students. Agastya Kumar
THE REFLECTIONS: “I learnt many things about the
Parliament of India during my visit.
“When we went to the Nehru Planetarium, we learned First of all, it is super protected and
has a disciplined and dignified
many facts about the universe. In the planetarium, environment. We visited the Rajya
we got interesting information about constellations Sabha (Council of States). I saw our
and planets. Use of cartoons, paintings, animations, honourable ministers, like Ms Jaya
videos and special effects in the programmes at the Bachchan, Ms Nirmala Sitharaman,
theatre sky made our experience mesmerising. The Mr Ram Shankar Prasad and many
vastness of the universe has left me baffled and more. I learnt about the question
awestruck.” hour and saw them following rules
Aakriti Prakash and regulations while running a
V A debate. (Till now I had only read and
heard about it) and saw the grand
and iconic building that is printed in
our Social Science book so closely.”
Tanush Sachan
Leaders of Tomorrow
“My visit to the Parliament of India was an overwhelming
experience. It gave me a lot of insight into the functioning
of the Indian government.
One of the things that fascinated me was the
security measures. The police were on high alert
round the clock.
The architecture of the Parliament building was very
appealing and mesmerizing. It gave such a royal
feeling. The scenery was stunning and lovely
gardens surrounded the building. We Wish To Be The Change
Inside the campus, we saw many famous politicians We Want To See In The World.
whom we usually see on television. Everything was
formal and in proper order. I was so delighted to “It was a special day for me as my
have the opportunity to be seated in the Rajya Social Science lessons on 'Democracy'
Sabha and listen to those informative discussions. It became alive. I could see it all in front
was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” of my eyes.”
Aiman Jain Arya Singhal
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