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WASTE TO                                                      To create  a world without waste                         THE NATIONAL
                                                                           requires us to find innovative ways
                                                                           of recycling. The students of classes
             WONDER PARK                                                   II and III made a trip to the Waste to                   SCIENCE CENTRE
                                                                           Wonder  Park, where  they came
                                                                           across the Seven  Wonders  of the
                                                                           World, recreated from  waste. The
             “The     difference       between      ordinary      and       excursion  opened  their  mind  to                       Pacific World School’s belief in imparting experiential
             extraordinary is that little extra.”                          possibilities  of making art from                        learning came alive when the school organised a trip
                                                                                                                                    to The National Science Centre, for the  children  of
             - Jimmy Johnson                                               waste.                                                   class I. They learnt about water cycle, conservation of
                                                                                                                                    water, prehistoric animals, human life, etc. Needless to
             Pacific  World  School  endeavours  to  nurture the            “The  seven wonders of  the world                        say, they found the experience educational, inspiring
             students into environment-  friendly global citizens.         there were created out of industrial                     and entertaining. This field trip certainly kindled the
             Our motto is to mould each child from the ordinary to         waste materials. I was astonished to                     children’s interest in Science and turned them into
             the sublime, who are conscious and sensitive towards          see such creative use of waste material!                 lifelong scientific researchers.
             the surroundings.                                             If someone can't go to all the wonders
                                                                           of the world, one can experience the                     “I  enjoyed the magic mirror the most. It  was fun
                                                                           beauty of all of them in one place.”                     standing in front of it.”
                            Treasuring the Trash!                                                                                   Arna  Pal
                                                                           Aviral Agrawal
                                                                           III A                                                    I A

                                                                           “The most impressive fact about this                     “We saw the Magic Tap. Water was flowing through it
                                                                           park is that the artists created all the                 without any  source.  We found a  well that looked
                                                                           monuments with  industrial waste                         never-ending. There  was so much to learn and
                                                                           materials like scrap metal, discarded                    absorb.”
                                                                           auto  parts,  typewriters etc.To give                    Yaashica Bhatt
                                                                           life to this idea, artists and labourers                 I A
                                                                           from across the  country  came
                                                                           together.”                                               “I enjoyed watching and exploring the model of the
                                                                           Atharv Shrivastava                                       brain and the skeleton, and models of Jantar Mantar,
                                                                           IV A                                                     Qutub Minar etc.”
                                                                                                                                    Vivaan Gupta
                                                                           “Waste to Wonder Park is a shining                       I B
                                                                           example of ‘Waste-to-Wealth’ concept. I
                                                                           will  also  try to  make  useful  items                  “The Science Centre provided us a world of wonder
                                                                           using trash.”                                            and amazement. We were excited to observe galleries
                                                                           Arjun Thakur                                             like the Skeleton, Hall of Nuclear Power etc. I just loved
                                                                                                                                    the trip.”
                                                                           II A
                                                                                                                                    Rayyan Ahsaan
                                                                           “It was an informative trip as I got to                  I B
                                                                           know more about the seven
                                                                           wonders of the world.”
                                                                           Vaibhavi Rao
                                                                           II B

                                                                           “The trip to Waste to Wonder Park
                                                                           has taught me that  we  can use
                                                                           waste materials in a  constructive
                                                                           way to create something beautiful.”
                                                                           Avyaan Agarwal
                                                                           II C

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                                                                                                                                                                          The Magical World of Science
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