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NATIONAL WAR                                                   “The excursion made us realise that
                                                                           we should respect the brave soldiers

            MEMORIAL                                                       who have been commissioned at the                        HINDI SEGMENT
                                                                           borders for our protection, braving
                                                                           extreme hardships and challenging
                                                                           terrains. I had a fight with one of my
                                                                           friends  on the  way to the  War
             ‘Nothing beats an exciting hands-on experience to             Memorial. We realised the selflessness
             deepen learning. The magic of a field trip is not just         of these soldiers, and my friend and I
             the subject. It is the break in the routine and               decided  to  become  friends.  Life  is
             adventure that  opens up  young minds to a new                not worth fighting for petty reasons.
             thing.’ Such trips also provide exciting experiential         It  is worthy of great  and  noble                                              ns'k ds ohj tokuksa ds fy, i=
             learning that  gets  embedded in the brain. The               deeds.”
             connection created between the real world and the
             world  of books authenticates the journey  of                 Arsh Sood                                                     ; ohj lSfudksa]
             learning.                                                     VI A                                                                    vk'kk gS vki ,oa vkids lkFkh lSfud lc ldq'ky gksaxsA gesa vkidks ;g i= fy[kus esa cgqr [kq'kh gks
             The students of grade VI went on a one-day trip to            “My heart swelled  with pride  with                                     jgh gSA ge vkt vkidh cgknqjh dks lyke djus ds fy, ;g i= fy[k jgs gSaA vki fdrus egku gSaA
             the National  War  Memorial,  New  Delhi. The  trip           feelings of nationalism as we learned                                   vius ?kj ifjokj dks NksM+dj vki gekjs fy, ljgnksa ij vk tkrs gSaA
             aimed at educating the students on selfless sacrifices          about the heroic deeds of our armed                                     15 vxLr djhc vk jgk gS vkSj eq>s vkidh cgqr ;kn vk jgh gSA vki ogk¡ rSukr gks blfy, eSa vkSj
             made by our war heroes. The students were excited             forces. I stood with awe as we saw
             and filled with patriotic fervour. They sang patriotic         the India  Gate that stands as a                                        lHkh ns'koklh ;gk¡ lqjf{kr gSaA ,sls gkyr esa tgk¡ lk/kkj.k O;fä [kM+k Hkh ugha gks ldrk ogk¡ vki viuh
             songs and paid homage to  our brave heroes at                 memorial to 70,000 soldiers of the                                      tku dh ijokg fd, fcuk fnu&jkr MV dj [kM+s jgrs gSa vkSj nq'euksa dk lkeuk djrs gSaA
             Amar  Jawan  Jyoti. They  witnessed the beautiful             British Indian Army who died during                                     ge lksprs gSa fd dgk¡ ls vkrk gS ;g gkalykA dHkh fgeun esa rks dHkh jsfxLrku esa vki gekjh j{kk ds
             architecture with a lot of enthusiasm and curiosity. It       the First World War.                                                    fy, dksbZ dlj ugh NksM+rsA vHkh vki phu ls fdruh cgknqjh ls yM+ jgs gSaA lSfud vius ifjokj dks
             was a memorable day for all the students, and they
             thanked Principal Ma’am for this  opportunity and             That day when we were having our                                        NksM+rs gSa vkSj iwjk ns'k mudk ifjokj cu tkrk gSA ns'k ds lkFk&lkFk lEiw.kZ lSfud ny vkidk ifjokj
             exposure.                                                     lunch at a park, we saw some slum                                       cu tkrk gS]bl ukrs ls vkids fdrus HkkbZ&cgu ejrs gSaA fQj Hkh vki fgEer ugh gkjrs gSaA vej
                                                                           children  playing.  We  offered  them                                    toku T;ksfr vkSj bafM;k xsV nks ,slh bekjrsa gSa]tks vkidks lEeku nsus ds fy, cuh gSaA ij bruk
                                                                           our lunch. They accepted our lunch
                                                                           so happily. I was not happy with the                                    vkidh cgknqjh ds lkeus dqN ugh gSA
                                                                           lunch that my Mamma had packed                                          Lok/khurk fnol ds bl volj ij eSa vkidks gekjs iwjs ifjokj ,oa ns'kokfl;ksa dh rjQ ls /kU;okn
                                                                           for me.  Observing these poor                                           djuk pkgrh gw¡A ge lcdks vki ij xoZ gSA vki gekjs ns'k dh 'kku gSA vkidk cgqr cgqr /kU;oknA
                                                                           children, I realised that  we should
                                                                           learn to be content to enjoy life.                                      vkidh 'kqHkfpard]
                                                                           I am very thankful to our respected                                     çhfrdk jFk
                                                                           Principal Ma’am for organising such                                     d{kk&NBh ^c*
                                                                           an eventful and knowledgeable trip
                                                                           for all of us. I am proud of our armed
                                                                           forces and salute them for their                                                     dgk¡ ls vkrk gS ;s gkSalyk
                                                                           courage and spirit.”
                                                                           Devvrat Seth                                                            dksjksuk egkekjh esa y‚dMkmu gqvkA bl y‚dMkmu esa dqN ,slh rLohjsa fn[kha ftlus esjk fny Hkkjh
                                                                           VI A                                                                    dj fn;kA th gk¡] eSa etnwjksa dh gha ckr dj jgk gw¡A mu etnwjksa dks ns[kdj esjk fny ngy x;k tks Hkw[ks&
                         Freedom Is Never Free! Taking Notes
                                                                                                                                                   I;kls ehyksa&ehy vius NksVs NksVs cPpksa ds lkFk iSny pys tk jgs FksA eSa lksprk Fkk fd dgk¡ ls vkrk gS
                                                                           “The National War Memorial excursion                                    ;s gkalykA dksjksuk ds Mj ls eSa ckgj ugh fudy ikrk] xehZ dh otg ls eSa ?kj ds ckgj dne ugha j[k
             REFLECTION BY STUDENTS                                        was a memorable and special  one                                        ikrk vkSj og iSny brus dksl dSls py ysrs gSaA brus esa gha eSaus ,d dfork i<+h] ftlus esjs lkjs lokyksa
                                                                           because that  day happened to be
             “We sang the song “Teri Mitti” in front of the India          my birthday. It was one of my most                                      ds tokc fn,A og dfork oSls rks NksVh Fkh] ij mlus esjs lkjs lokyksa dk tokc ns fn;kA og dfork dqN
                                                                           emotional experiences.  It was  my
                                                                                                                                                   ,slh Fkh%&
             Gate.  It  was  such  an  emotional  moment.  Our             best birthday because I learned
             teachers shared the stories of the supreme sacrifices          fascinating stories about the  war                                                              ,d gFkkSM+sokyk ?kj esa vkSj gqvk!
             of the martyrs. It was one of the best days of my life.       heroes  of my  country. The bronze                                                                    gkFkh lk cyoku]
             I thank my school for such a great trip.”                     murals depicting the war stories of                                                               tgkth gkFkksa okyk vkSj gqvk!
             Adhiraj Gulati                                                our brave soldiers had an everlasting                                                      lwjt&lk bUlku] rjsjh vk¡[kksaokyk vkSj gqvk!!
             VI A                                                          impact on me.”                                                                                  ,d gFkkSM+sokyk ?kj esa vkSj gqvk!
                                                                           Aarush Trivedi                                                                                        ekrk jgh fopkj]
             “Visiting the  war memorial  was a meaningful                 VI A                                                                                              v¡/ksjk gjusokyk vkSj gqvk!
             experience. This  excursion has helped me
             understand better a famous quote:“Our flag does
             not fly because the wind moves it, it flies with the
             last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.”
             JAI HIND”
             Devashish Sharma
             VI A
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