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The students of grade VII and Prep C conducted the “You must be the change you wish to
special Independence Day assembly on August 14, see in the world.”
2019. The programme spread a sense of patriotism
amongst the students in the auditorium. - Mahatma Gandhi
The young performers showcased with pride, the
events of courage, valour and supreme sacrifice of To commemorate the 150 anniversary of
our freedom fighters under the leadership of the Father of the Nation- Mahatma Gandhi,
Mahatma Gandhi. Pacific World School organised a special
assembly on 1 October 2019. In order to
As vigilant citizens of a free nation, we should not promote Khadi, the heritage fabric of India, Pledge for a Single-Use Plastic Free India
take our freedom for granted. Every Independence students were asked to come to school
Day is a reminder to the citizens of India of the dressed in khadi or cotton clothes. They “Inspired by Bapu's beautiful thought “Swachh
selfless sacrifice of the martyrs. What a high price were encouraged to wear Khadi with pride Bharat, Swasth Bharat,” we picked up brooms
this precious freedom entailed! and give impetus to Khadi Cottage Industry and dustpan as we were motivated to clean
and swadeshi goods to strengthen self-reli- the area adjacent to our school. We also
ance and sustenance in rural India. installed some blue and green dustbins for
The children watched a video about the life disposal of dry and wet waste respectively.
After a while, Principal ma’am joined us and
Our Pride: India and preaching of Bapu. Songs, poems and gave us feedback on our work. She also spoke
dance on Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite about some valuable thoughts of Mahatma
It was a day to show love and respect bhajan- Raghupati Raghav Rajaram created Gandhi. She encouraged us to keep our home
for the country. We, Pacificians, value a divine ambience. and surroundings clean and fresh. She insisted
the gift of freedom which we proudly Gandhiji termed cleanliness next to only that we plant as many plants possible. After
inherited from the great leaders and godliness and rightly so. The school organ- that, we formed a straight file and headed
freedom fighters.” ised a cleanliness drive to instil a sensibility towards our respective classes. We enjoyed
Unsurpassable! Jaan Jaaye Par Shaan Na Jaaye! Parth Nagpal towards a clean environment. Our young the day because we did something special.”
VII A learners were motivated to imbibe this Aarav Vaid
“Mujhe India song-‘Fir Bhi Dil Hain Hindustani’ mein noble virtue through the cleanliness drive. VIII A
dance karkar bahut maza aaya...I love India.” “During the assembly, our Principal The programme concluded with a pledge to
Navika Agarwal ma’am took a quiz. Ma’am quoted some save our beautiful planet Earth and join “During the cleanliness drive, I had a feeling
famous slogans. We enthusiastically
hands to ban the use of single use plastic.
Prep C named the freedom fighter who spoke that I had joined hands with our Prime Minister
Mr Narendra Modi in his mission to make India
“Rani Laxmi Bai bahut strong hain aur mein bhi those famous quotes. The whole clean and healthy. I had a lot of fun and felt
pehle se hi strong hun.” exercise was engaging and interesting. “As a presenter of the assembly, I got the happy to work for the community.”
My emotional bond for my country
opportunity to share the teachings of
Krisha Tyagi and my zeal to protect my motherland Gandhiji. I am so proud of the Father of Our Aviral Pateria
Prep C grew stronger.” Nation.” VI A
“We should do what Gandhiji has said. We should Aryan Chaudhary Aryan Nagpal
never do bad things.” VIII A IV A
Kriyansh Sharma “The Independence Day assembly was
Prep C very energetic. Our dear Principal
ma'am told us about the importance
“Acha hain India ko finally freedom mil gaya.” of this special day. She also played a
Rudra Mitragotri quiz with all of us which enriched our
Prep C knowledge about our Freedom
“Our class got the opportunity to conduct the Fighters. The stunts performed in the
dance showcased the strength of
special Independence Day assembly. With a heart students. In the skit, the students showed
full of pride and love for our country, we, the the sacrifices of our great leaders
students of grade VII, presented the morning and freedom fighters. We should
assembly. As a grand finale presentation, we made a always remember their contribution
pyramid of students, in which I stood at the top and in providing us with the opportunity
fluttered the tricolour. to be a part of this great nation. Jai
We learnt a lot from the address of our Principal Hind.”
ma'am. In her speech, she explained to us the real Aarush Gupta
meaning of the word ‘freedom’. IV A
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The Cleanliness Warriors