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DIWALI                                                “I presented the thought for the day in                          GURUPURAV
                                                                   the assembly. I told everyone to celebrate a
                                                                   green Diwali and save our environment.”

             A Diwali, with a promise - to be the change:          Yug Sharma                                                       GURU NANAK’S BIRTHDAY
             asatomā sadgamaya                                     I B                                                              “I was so proud to be a part of the morning assembly on Gurupurav. We learned about the
             tamasomā jyotir gamaya                                                                                                 teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji's teachings have a positive impact on every
             mrityormāamritam gamaya                                                                                                one of us. In that act, I learnt how Guru Ji taught about the values of honesty, living a life of truth,
             Om śhānti śhānti śhāntih                              “I felt so nice to compere in the assembly.                      believing in one GOD and respect for others etc. He spread the teachings of peace, love, unity,
             (From ignorance, lead me to truth;                    I was very happy to see Ramji coming                             mutual respect, service and dedication. It was such a wonderful experience to be part of an act
             From darkness, lead me to light;                      back to Ayodhya.”                                                that teaches us values of life. I have implemented these teachings in my personal life and have
             From death, lead me to immortality                    Ridhi Sharma                                                     received appreciation from everybody.”
             Om peace, peace, peace)
                                                                   I B                                                              Vedanshi Koul
             A special assembly to celebrate the festival of                                                                        IVA
             Diwali was presented on October 25, 2019, by
             the students of Class VI. Through the programme,
             the  students  of  grade  VI  portrayed  the
             significance of light that creates sheer magic
             and radiance in the surroundings and fills the
             mind  with  positivity.  The  students  of  the
             Primary wing also had a special assembly to
             celebrate the festival of lights. They enacted a
             play  based  on  the  story  of  Lord  Rama                          Welcoming the Lord!
             returning to Ayodhya.
             ‘A Diwali with a difference’ is what Principal,        “Diwali  assembly  was  presented  by  the
             Ms Seema Kaur tried to inculcate among the            students of class VI. It was a lovely assembly,
             young  learners  through  her  address.  She          with a strong and meaningful message for a
             appealed to the students to go green and              cracker free Diwali to reduce pollution.”
             convince their parents to do away with the            Aayan Awasthi
             concept  of  wrapping  Diwali  gifts  as  that        V A
             would create less trash and would eventually
             restore,  renew  and  sustain  the  manifold          “On  the  occasion  of  Diwali,  I  had  gifted
             beauty  of  Mother  Earth.  She  further  urged       homemade candles to all my near and dear
             everyone  to  illuminate  the  world  with  joy,      ones.  I  owe  this  awareness  about  the
             happiness and cheer.                                  environment to the teachings in our school.”
                                                                   Ishita Tripathi
                                                                   VI A

                                                                   “The Diwali Assembly we did last year was a
                                                                   day  to  remember.  As  it  was  the  Diwali
                                                                   assembly,  it  had  to  be  glamorous  and
                                                                   meaningful!  We decided on  a good  script
                                                                   which the comperers executed very well. We
                                                                   also  did  a  street  play  alongside  a  dance
                              Vibrance Galore                      The preparation for the street play was done
                                                                   mostly by students. We prepared the script,
             “I played the role of Sita in the Diwali play. I      got it edited and practised. After many tries,
             learnt that we should not burst crackers so           when we got it all right, we were overjoyed!
             that we could reduce noise pollution.”                We  knew  the  assembly was going  to  be  a

             Indrakshi Chakraborty                                 success.”
             I B                                                   Anshika Awasthi
                                                                   VI A
             “I  had  fun  dancing  with  my  friends.  We  all
             wore beautiful dresses.”                              “The saying, "Good Wins Over Evil " goes hand
             Tanvi Dwivedi                                         in hand with Diwali. The presentation by the
             I B                                                   students of grade VI beautifully demonstrated
                                                                   the  importance  of  this  saying.  From  the
             “I  enjoyed  performing  with  my  friend             assembly, I also learnt some interesting facts
             Panache. I wish to do it again!”                      about how Diwali is celebrated all over India.”

             Aaryana Vatsa                                         Aarush Gupta
             I B                                                   IV A
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