Page 12 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 12



              The MOH also has a statutory reporting role and may   When visiting premises, the inspector or representative of
              delegate powers and functions to any suitably qualified or   a regulatory agency is likely to make themselves known to
              trained person.                                   the manager of the premises and carry identification.  It
              Medical Officers of Health are designated under the 1956   is in your best interests to be courteous and cooperative
              Health Act by the Director General of Health to improve,   with any inspectors.  Remember that these people, like you,
              protect and promote the health of the population in their   have a job to do and want their compliance check to be of
              health districts.  They provide public health expert advice   minimum disruption to you.
              and advocacy in the areas of environmental health,
              communicable disease, and harm reduction.         On occasion, your premises will be visited by other
                                                                inspectors or officers of the local council or regulatory
              Functions of the MOH include:                     agencies including:
              •   Inquire into and report on applications for all licenses   •   Environmental Health Officer
              •   Check and encourage Host Responsibility compliance   •   Fire Service
                 (reducing alcohol-related harm)                •   Dangerous Goods Inspector
              •   Enforce smoke free areas                      •   WorkSafe Inspector
              •   Apply to ARLA to suspend a licence when a premise is   •   Smokefree Officer
                 not meeting public health requirements         •   Gaming Compliance Inspector (Department of Internal
                                                                •   Building Safety Officer

                                                                MAORI WARDENS
                                                                Maori Wardens have specific powers constituted under the
              The chief executive of each territorial authority must also   Maori Community Development Act 1962 to limit unruly
              appoint one or more Licensing Inspectors within its district.    behavior on licensed premises.  Section 31 states that
              Inspectors have power of entry to any licensed premises   a “Maori Warden may at any reasonable time enter any
              at any reasonable time to ensure compliance with the   licensed premises in any area where he is authorized to
              Act and/or if they think an offence against the Act is   carry out his duties and warn the licensee or any servant
              being committed. Inspectors do NOT have to identify   of the licensee to abstain from selling or supplying liquor
              themselves immediately and may observe the operation of   to any Maori who in the opinion of the Warden is in a state
              the licensed premises before approaching management.    of intoxication, or is violent, quarrelsome, or disorderly, or is
              They will have evidence of identity to show they are a   likely to become so, whether intoxicated or not”.
              Licensing Inspector.

              Functions of the Licensing Inspector include:
              •   Inquiring into and reporting on new and renewal
                 applications for licenses and manager certificates
              •   Monitoring licensed premises’ compliance with the
                 requirements of the Act and their licence
              •   Issuing infringement notices for specified infringement
              •   Apply to ARLA for variation, suspension or cancellation
                 of licenses and manager certificates
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