Page 13 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 13
a guest with them, they must remain on the premises to
LOCAL ALCOHOL POLICIES accompany their guest. Each individual club will determine
its own rules around reciprocal visiting rights and will have
LAPs are policies put in place by the Territorial Authority a list of other clubs that they have extended reciprocal
(Council) to suit the needs of the local area and let the visiting rights to. When in doubt, staff should easily be able
public have a say about the sale, supply and consumption to check the list to see whether a visitor is from a club with
of alcohol in their area. They allow Territorial Authorities to reciprocal visiting rights.
apply conditions to alcohol licenses to improve industry
standards. Once in place, the LAP will influence when, SPECIAL LICENCE
where and how alcohol is sold across the region. Allows sale/supply to any person attending an event eg,
private function, street party or sporting event. A special
LAPs may include policies about any or all of the following: licence can also be issued to an on or club licence for an
• the location of licensed premises event not covered by their licence.
• the density of premises in the area (the number there
can be in an area)
• whether more licenses should be issued
• maximum trading hours CONDITIONS OF LICENSES
• one-way door restrictions
• other discretionary conditions related to local needs All licenses have conditions relating to the sale and supply
such as requirements about interior and/or exterior of alcohol as well as other matters relating to the operation
lighting, using CCTV, the appearance of the premises of the premises. Failure to comply with the conditions
and the nearby area or noise control. of your licence can lead to action being taken by the
regulatory agencies, which may ultimately lead to fines
and/or loss of the licence. The Act specifies mandatory
conditions to be imposed on all licenses of a certain type
TYPES OF LICENCE and discretionary conditions that may be imposed. There
are also requirements in the Act that must be complied
ON-LICENCE with even though they may not be described in the licence
Allows for sale/supply of alcohol for consumption on as a condition.
the premises eg, tavern, bar, hotel, café, restaurant,
entertainment venue or a conveyance (train, plan etc). DEFAULT MAXIMUM TRADING HOURS
At the request of the applicant on-licenses may be National maximum trading hours are:
endorsed for a BYO restaurant (allowing more flexible • 8am to 4am for on-licenses
requirements regarding managers) or for a caterer (allowing • 7am to 11pm for off-licenses, including over the bar
the sale and supply of alcohol at any reception, function sales
or social gathering promoted by someone other than the
holder of the licence). Hotel mini-bars will be exempt from these maximum
trading hours.
Allows sale/supply of alcohol to persons for consumption
off the premises eg, bottle stores, supermarkets.
At the request of the applicant off-licenses may be
endorsed for auctioneers who hold an auctioneer’s licence,
or for a remote seller.
Allows sale/supply of alcohol for consumption on the club
premises to members of the club, their guests, and
members of clubs with reciprocal visiting rights.
Clubs are not open to the public and are usually
incorporated societies, such as RSAs, Bowling Clubs,
Sports Clubs, Social Clubs. If a member of a club brings