Page 70 - FAO Aquaculture News, May 2021 - No. 63
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etiology, susceptible species and global distribution; 2) diagnosis
          of disease: a description of gross clinical signs and laboratory
          methods; 3) prevention and treatment: farm management, the
          use and development of antibiotics, bacteriophages, probiotics,     FAO 2021
          disease-tolerant shrimp, shrimp immunity and vaccination;           Usindikaji wa majongoo bahari kuwa
          4)  epidemiology: AHPND’s geographic distribution, genotype,
          persistence  in  the  environment,  reservoir  hosts,  modes  of    chakula kiitwacho bechedema –
          transmission, risk factors, and economic impacts; 5) principles of   Mwongozo kwa wavuvi wa Visiwa
          control and eradication: methods for containment, mitigation and    vya bahari ya Pasifiki. FAO, University
          eradication of AHPND, and trade and industry considerations;        of Southern Cross and the Pacific
          and 6) policy development and implementation: AHPND-specific        Community – Purcell, S.W. – Rome
          objectives, options and strategies for eradication and control,
          education, capacity building, funding, and compensation..  English – This manual was designed for sea cucumber fishers to
                                                             better understand the steps to transform a fresh sea cucumbers
          The PDF can be accessed directly at:               into the dried form. Processing includes cutting, salting, cooking,
                smoking and sun-drying the sea cucumbers. The price given to
          The document card can be found here:               fishers for dried sea cucumbers depends on the species they are
           selling, how big the individuals are and how well they have been
                                                             processed.  There  are  many  different  ways  that  sea  cucumbers
                                                             can be processed to obtain a good quality. This manual provides
                                                             best practice methods that can be applied by fishers using locally
          FAO handbooks, information papers and reports      available resources. The manual contains a section on responsible
                                                             fishing and does not encourage increase fishing activities.
                                                             Swahili –  Mwongozo huu umeundwa kwa ajili ya wavuvi wa   Publications
                           FAO 2020                          majongoo bahari kuelewa vizuri hatua zote za kubadilisha
                                                             majongoo bahari mabichi mpaka kuyakausha, ambayo huitwa
                           Guía básica – Cambio climático pesca   ‘bechedema’. Usindikaji unajumlisha kukata, kuweka chumvi,
                           y acuicultura. Fortalecimiento de la   kupika, kukausha kwa moshi na kukausha majongoo bahari juani.
                           capacidad de adaptación en el sector   Bei wanayopewa wavuvi wakiuza majongoo bahari yaliokaushwa
                           pesquero y acuícola chileno al cambio   inategemea aina ya jongoo wanayouza, ukubwa wa jongoo na
                           climático. Santiago de Chile, FAO   umakini uliotumika wakati wa usindikaji. Kuna njia nyingi ambazo
                           Barbieri, M.A., Aguilar-Manjarrez, J. y   majongoo bahari yanaweza kusindikwa ili kupata ubora mzuri.
                           Lovatelli, A.                     Mwongozo huu unaelezea njia nzuri zaidi zinazoweza kutumiwa
                                                             na wavuvi kwa kutumia rasilimali zinazopatikana kirahisi vijijini
          El cambio climático es un fenómeno a escala global, cuyos efectos -   kwao. Mwongozo huo una sehemu inayoelezea juu ya uvuvi wa
          ya evidentes - afectan mares y océanos provocando migraciones de   uwajibikaji na hauhamasishi kuongeza shughuli za uvuvi.
          especies, incremento del nivel del mar, aumento de la frecuencia e   Available in Arabic and Swahili. Adapted from
          intensidad de condiciones climáticas extremas y de los fenómenos   the original publication accessible at:
          de El Niño y La Niña, entre otros. Estos cambios están generando
          - y seguirán generando  - consecuencias a nivel ambiental, social   cucumbers
          y económico. La pesca artesanal y la acuicultura de pequeña
          escala son actividades especialmente vulnerables a los efectos   The PDF can be accessed directly at:
          del cambio climático. De ahí que es necesario tomar medidas que
          contribuyan a mitigar los cambios y a acelerar la adaptación del   The document card can be found here:
          sector al cambio climático. Esta guía busca contribuir a divulgar
          el cambio climático y entregar orientaciones sobre qué hacer
          ante los desafíos que esta situación nos impone, proporcionando
          ejemplos de medidas implementadas por la pesca artesanal y
          la acuicultura de pequeña escala para resolver los problemas y
          aprovechar las oportunidades generados por el cambio climático,
          así como para tomar conciencia de que nuestra participación es      FAO 2020
          relevante. En suma, esta guía pretende ser un aliciente para que
          el sector pesquero artesanal y la acuicultura de pequeña escala     Garnering nature friendly agriculture
          de Chile implementen medidas de mitigación y de adaptación, así     practices: 1990 to 2020. When
          como de aprovechamiento de las oportunidades que genera el          science simplification, participatory co
          cambio climático, contribuyendo con el compromiso del país para     production and generous sharing is
          alcanzar la meta de carbono neutralidad al año 2050.                valued. International Institute of Rural
                                                                              Reconstruction (IIRR) – Cavite
          The PDF can be accessed directly at:
                Field tested practices,  methodologies and approaches to
          The document card can be found here:               regenerating agriculture and associated ecosystems are featured
           in this compilation. Mostly experiences from across Asia are
                                                             included, the compilation is based on publications generated
                                                             through participatory writeshops, organised over thirty years
                                                             featuring  a  wide  range  of  stakeholders,  disciplines  and  donors.
                                                             Participatory  approaches in resource management and farmer-
                                                             centered approaches are prominently featured. A wide range
                                                             of ecosystems are featured, coastal, drylands, mountains and
                                                             lowlands in the presentations of options and approaches.
                                                             The document card can be found here:

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