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Daftar Pustaka
Daftar Pustaka, daftar yang mencantumkan judul buku,
nama pengarang, penerbit, dan tahun terbit, yang
disusun menurut abjad. Buku-buku tersebut merupakan Alvin, H. 1988. 3000 Solved Problem in Physics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Applications. 10th Ed. Pearson Education.
rujukan dalam pembahasan materi buku ini. Briggs, J. G. R. 2009. Level Course in Chemistry. 9th Ed. Pearson Longman.
Brown, T.L, Lemay H.E, and Bruce B.E. 2012. Chemistry; The Central Science. 12th Ed. Pearson Education Prentice Hall.
Chang, R and Kenneth Goldsby. 2012. Chemistry. 11th Ed. McGraw-Hill Education
Chang, Raymond. 2008. General Chemistry: The Essentials Consepts. 8th Ed. McGraw-Hill Education.
Cogill, A and Derek Denby. 2009. Salters Advanced Chemistry: Chemical Storylines. 3rd Ed. Pearson Education.
Giambatista, A., etc. 2004. College Physics. New York: McGrawHill.
Jhonson, Keith. 2001. Physics for You. London: Stanley Thornes.
Jones, M. 2013. Biology Coursebook. Third Edition. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Jones, M., R. Fosbery, J. Gregory, & D. Taylor. 2013. Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology Coursebook.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Kimball, J.W. 1993. Biologi. Jilid 1,2. S.S. Tjitrosomo, N. Sugiri, penerjemah. Jakarta: Erlangga. Terjemahan
dari: Biology, Fifth Edition.
Mader, S. S. 2015. Biology. 12th Edition. New York: McGrow-Hill Education.
Oxtoby, D.W, H.P. Gillis, and Norman H.N. 2011. Principles of Modern Chemistry. 7th Ed. Soundres College
Publishing. New York.
Petrucci, R. H, F. Geoffrey Herring, and Jeffry D. Madura. 2011. General Chemistry: Principles and Modern
Prescott, C.N. 2005. Chemistry: A Course for ’O’ Level. 3rd Ed. Marshal Cavendish Education. Singapore.
Pudjaatmaka, A.H. 2002. Kamus Kimia. Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Ratcliff, Briand, et al. 2009. As Level and A Level: Chemistry. 9th Printing. Cambridge University Press.
Indeks Reece, J. B., Taylor, M. R., Simon, E. J., & Dickey, J. L. (2012). Campbell biology: concepts & connections (p. 779). San
Indeks, merupakan daftar kata dan istilah penting
Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings.
Reece, J. B., Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., & Jackson, R. B. (2014). Campbell
yang terdapat dalam buku, tersusun menurut abjad,
biology (No. s 1309). Boston: Pearson.
yang memberikan informasi mengenai halaman
Resnick, etc. 2013. Physics, 9 edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Silberberg, M. S. 2007. Principles of General Chemistry. 4th Ed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
A ekologi 123, 131, 147 hujan asam 73, 74 kata atau istilah itu ditemukan, terdapat pada akhir
abiotik 124, 125 147, 153, ekosistem 122, 124, 147 hukum
AIDS 45, 106 el Niño 176 Avogadro 263 buku.
akurasi 5, 6 elektron 23, 66, 96, 291 kekekalan energi 62
angka elektron valensi 301 kekekalan massa 238
pasti 20 energi perbandingan berganda
penting 3, 20 alternatif 65, 72 251
taksiran 20 bunyi 60 perbandingan volume
Animalia 137, 178, 146 kalor 59 253
antibodi 105, 109, 111 kimia 60 hutan 121, 125, 173, 178
atom 206, 219, 279 kinetik 55
atmosfer 65, 176, 178 nuklir 61 I
potensial 56 ilmu kimia 202, 203
B potensial elastisitas 57 Influenza 106
bakteriofag 100, 101 potensial gravitasi 58 In-situ 133
besaran potensial listrik 58 isobar 134
pokok 15, 16 tak terbarukan 71 isoton 245
turunan 15 terbarukan 64 isotop 245
bilangan Avogadro 259 ex-situ 134
biogeokimia 147, 153, 155 fenetik 139 J
biomassa 65, 69, 70 filogenetik 139 jangka sorong 10, 11
biotik 124, 147, 155 jumlah partikel 256, 259
CFC 179, 187 G
Corona 95, 111 garis wallace 127, 128 K
daya 17, 51 garis weber 127, 128 kapsid 96, 97
deforestasi 121 122, 177 golongan, karbon dioksida 65, 72, 156, 173
dimensi 3, 15, 16 transisi 310 keanekaragaman hayati 122
DNA 97, 101, 143 utama 308 kerja ilmiah 3, 32
green chemistry 199
kesalahan sistematik 7
E ketidakpastian 26
Efek rumah kaca 73, 173 H ketidakpastian relatif 26
efisiensi energi 67, 218 HIV 95, 106 kladistik 239
Kelengkapan Buku xi