Page 11 - Thrive Blakehurst Pre Tour Brochure
P. 11

We eat fresh,
 NUTRITION AND WELLBEING                                       nutritious, wholesome

 The Thrive Kitchen   Nutrition                                  and well balanced

                                                                   meals everyday!

               Our Daily Menu

               The Centre will provide breakfast, morning
               tea, hot lunch and afternoon tea. Our meals
               are catered for by Kids Gourmet Kitchen.

               Our Menu is on display in all centres and
               mealtimes are displayed on your child’s
               room daily routine.

               For 0-2 age children, parents are required
               to bring their own Formula/Breast Milk.

               We provide fresh cow’s milk and water.
               Nut Free Environment

               Due to the severity of allergic reactions
               to nuts, many Thrive centres choose to
               implement a 'nut free' policy.

 Our menu exposes every
 Our meals are nutritious and delicious for children   children to the broadest   Sample Daily Menu [12 months - 5 years]
 rotating every six weeks. Emphasising on a balance of   range of flavours, textures
 whole grains, lean fresh meat and fish, lots of fresh fruit   and ingredients, while
 and vegetables and minimal sugar and oil.   MONDAY  TUESDAY  WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY              FRIDAY
 ensuring they are receiving
 – Morning tea with fresh fruit & raw vegetables  the recommended   Water crackers with   Wholemeal Raisin   English Muffins    Mango, Coconut &   Pumpkin & Paprika
                                                                                                  Cheese, Spinach,
                                                             with cheese
                    cheddar cheese
                                                                               Tapioca Bubbles
 – Lunch with fresh, steamed vegetables  nutritional intake                                           Snails
 every day.   morning  Fresh Fruit &     Fresh Fruit &      Fresh Fruit &       Fresh Fruit &      Fresh Fruit &
 – Afternoon tea with fresh fruit & raw vegetables  Raw Vegetables  Raw Vegetables  Raw Vegetables  Raw Vegetables  Raw Vegetables
                   Tuna Mornary Bake   Beef, Quinoa, Tomato   Lamb, Beef & Lentil   Vegetarian Pizza   Chicken Sausage
                                                                              with Sweet Potato,
                  with Smooth Ricotta   Meatballs with Creamy   Dhal with Spiced    Capsicum, Zucchini,   Paella, Yellow Rice &
                                         Potato Bake
                  & Spiral Pasta, Cheesy
                                                             Cous Cous
                                                                                                    Green Peas
              lunch  Bread Crust         Mixed Fresh         Mixed Fresh      Lettuce Tomato &   Lettuce Tomato &
                                                                               Corn & Cheese
                     Mixed Fresh
                      Vegetables          Vegetables         Vegetables       Cucumber Salad      Cucumber Salad
              afternoon   Spelt Oat Anzac   Raw Vegetables  Pear & Ginger Pillows   Gluten Free Crackers,   Coconut Shortbread
                                          Banana Bran
                                                                              Chickpea & Herb
                                                          with Coconut Sugar
                                          & Milo Bread
                                                                              Cream Cheese Dip
                                                            Fresh Fruit &
                                                                                Fresh Fruit &
                                                                                                   Fresh Fruit &
                                         Fresh Fruit &
                     Fresh Fruit &
                    Raw Vegetables
                                                           Raw Vegetables
                                                                               Raw Vegetables
                                                                                                  Raw Vegetables
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