Page 13 - Thrive Blakehurst Pre Tour Brochure
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 The Thrive Early

 Learning Curriculum

 Early Learning Pillars  HELPFUL INFORMATION                                                                   HELPFUL INFORMATION

 Structured play helps your children develop   Academic
 crucial interpersonal and communication
 skills. We create environments in which
 children experience mutually caring and   Emotional
 respectful relationships with their peers    PARENT                                                           PARENT
 whilst also developing independence,
 resilience and confidence within themselves.
 To support children’s learning, our educators
 promote trusting relationships, safe
 environments and respect for all aspects of   Physical
 a child’s physical, emotional, social, cognitive,
 linguistic, creative and spiritual being.

 ACADEMICALLY THRIVING .                Ecological  Dedicated Pre–Kinder
 Children acquire a range of skills which develops
 fundamental critical thinking and language skills.
 We shape confident and enthusiastic learners   School Program
 by implementing learning which encourages
 problem solving, inquiry, experimentation,   Munch & Move
 hypothesizing, researching and investigating.  Our school readiness program assists

 ECOLOGICALLY THRIVING.                Munch & Move at Thrive Early learning Centre’s   each child to develop the foundations for   Sample Preschool Daily Routine
 Our educators promote learning opportunities   is a fun play-based NSW Health initiative that   lifelong learning by developing skills and   7:00am–9:00am   Welcoming & settling children
 in which children exercise respect, care and an   supports the healthy development of children   abilities which give children the ability to   8:45am-9:15am   Morning tea outdoors
 appreciation for the natural environment. All   birth to 5 years by promoting physical activity,   learn effectively, take on new challenges   9:15am-9:45am   Outdoor active play
 Thrive centres use rainwater tanks to enable the   healthy eating and encourages limiting small   9:45am – 10:00am   Transition Indoors
 watering of our garden beds.  screen recreation through six positive, health   with confidence and have a sense of   10:00am-10:15am    Activity as per programme
 promoting key messages. The Munch & Move   belonging to the wider community in to   10:15am-11:30am    Indoor play
                                                                                    Transition for lunch
 PHYSICALLY  THRIVING.                program fits within the new National Quality   which they are about embark.   11:45am-12:15pm   Healthy, nutritious lunch
 A child’s wellbeing incorporates both physical   Framework and the Early Years Learning   12:15pm-12:30pm    Wash hands & nappy changes
 and psychological aspects which are integral to   Framework.        12:30pm-2:00pm    Sleeping, reading & quiet activities
 self-confidence. Our educators promote learning   What is the Goal of the    2:00pm-2:20pm    Change nappies as children wake
 experiences which encourage healthy lifestyles,   Early childhood is the ideal time for children to   Pre-Kinder Program?  2:00pm-2:45pm    Indoor/outdoor activities
 including nutrition, personal hygiene, physical   develop and practice healthy eating and physical   • Familiarise children with the school   2:45pm-3:00pm    Apply sunscreen
 health and social relationships which contribute   activity habits; this includes learning a range   3:00pm-3:15pm    Healthy afternoon snack
 to a child’s concentration and participation in   of fundamental movement skills that will help   environment and associated routines, tasks,   3:15pm-3:25pm    Wash hands & faces
 play and learning.  children take part in and enjoy physical activity   rules and expectations  3:30pm-5:15pm    Outdoor play (weather dependant)
 throughout their lives.  • Successfully start school with confidence  4:00pm-4:30pm    Nappy changes
                                                                     5:15pm-6:00pm    Transition indoors for family grouping
 LEARN MORE ABOUT MUNCH & MOVE    • Develop literacy and numeracy knowledge,   6:00 pm      Home time   as well as social and emotional skills.   *Preschool sample daily routine. Subject to change.
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