Page 136 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 136
Originating Earnings:
The Division's originating earnings stood at Rs.315.51 Crores to the end of NOV 19
compared to Rs 322.12Crores during the corresponding period of last year recorded a
shortfall of (-) 2% and against the proportionate target of Rs. 368.75 Crores recorded a
decrease of (-)14%.
(Rs in Crores)
% Variation
Actual APR- NOV over
Service Head 2017- 2018 -19 2019-20
18 Actual 19-20 Actual L/Yr Tar
18-19 Tgt 19-20
Passenger Earnings 288.78 302.19 331.72 201.59 221.28 213.67 6 -3
Other Coaching 16.97 20.55 22.72 13.30 14.72 13.43 1 -9
Goods 101.44 147.36 168.19 90.90 109.12 79.18 -13 -27
Sundries 18.27 25.52 40.35 16.33 23.63 11.74 -28 -50
Commercial portion of 4.91 5.16 7.81 3.22 5.21 4.36 35 -16
sundry earnings
Total 425.46 495.62 562.98 322.12 368.75 318.02 -1 -14
No. Of Passenger 44.105 44.043 44.442 29.836 30.106 29.355 -2 -2
(in Millions)
Passengers (Negative trend in UTS and PRS):
(No of pass in Million and earnings in Crores)
Till NOVEMBER Abs Var /Var %
2018- 2019-
2017-18 2019-20 Over
Actual 19 20 18-19 last Over
Actual Target Actual Target Actual year Target
Passenger 280.07 302.32 331.72 201.59 221.28 213.67 12.08 -7.61
Earnings 6 -3
No. Of -0.481 -0.751
Passengers 44.105 44.043 44.442 29.836 30.106 29.355
(in Millions) -2 -2
Till Nov ‟19 the number of passengers were 29.355 Millions as against 29.836
Millions a decrease of (-) 2%.
In the UTS segment, upto Nov‟ 19, 35 stations have recorded negative trend. The
main reason being-
Reasons for drop in no. of passengers:
Cancellation of 6,555 Passenger trains, 53 Suburban trains & 29 Express
trains in 2019-20 ( Till Nov) as against966 Passenger trains, 6 Suburban trains
and 8 Express trains in 2018-19.
Less patronage of MMTS services due to Hyderabad Metro Rail.
Action Plan:
55 Special Ticket checking drives have been undertaken where there is negative
trend in passenger traffic. (No. of Cases: 10,401, Earnings: Rs. 36.39 Lakhs)
Additional booking Counters by Supervisors during peak hours at nine prominent
Stations viz. NZB, KMC, KCG, HPG, FM, JCL, MBNR, GWD and KRNT.
41 Facilitators appointed to operate ATVMs during the assigned slots.