Page 12 - P S - Safety
P. 12


               No.                       Subject

                1/20    Annual Training Programme for the year 2020 at ZRTI/MLY
                2/20    Refresher Course Training Programme for the year 2020..
                3/20    Suggestions and Recommendations by Inquiry committee and procedure for the
                        working  of  Multiple  Track  Machines  during  Engg.  Blocks  in  view  of  MQN
                4/20    Conditions  for  granting  Line  clear,  Taking  off  Home  signal  and  closing  of  Block
                5/20    Consequential  Accident-  Derailment  of  Train  No.  17417  TPTY-SNSI  Express  at
                        Koduru station on 03.12.2019.
                6/20    Prevention of Trespassing- additional precautions to ensure alertness of SMs and
                        Gatemen on duty in view of COVID-19.
                7/20    Additional duties of SS/SMs in the procedure of untoward incidents.
                8/20    Sensitization  of  staff  over  precautions  to  be  taken  in  case  of  trespassing  over
                9/20    Breath Analyzer testing on random sampling basis.

               1020  Damage  of  signal  posts  due  to  the  cases  of  open  doors  of  wagons  particularly
                        BCNHL wagons.
               11/20  Prevention  of  Fire  incidents-Precautions  when  coaching  rakes  are  stabled  at
               12/20  Train operations during Foggy weather-Precautions.

                1/21    Annual Training Programme for the year 2021 at ZRTI/MLY
                2/21    Dos for SMs regarding Interlocking.

               11.  Fire fighting class:

               Firefighting classes and demonstrations were conducted during refresher course at
               Area Training Centre/ Kacheguda and ZRTI/MLY.

               12. Schedule of Surprise Night Inspections:

               The Schedule of Monthly Surprise Night Inspections on this division is being circulated
               every month to all Branch officers.  During the year 2020-21, up to February-21, total of
               1482 surprise Night Inspections were conducted by Officers and Inspectors and ensure
               the execution of inspections by concerned officials.

               13. Monitoring of Driving Crew:

               Loco Pilots/Asst. Loco Pilots and Guards were subjected to Breathalyzer tests not only
               at the time of signing on, but also at the time of signing off with Bio-metric CMS system
               and also during night foot plate inspections.

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