Page 10 - P S - Safety
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Seminar on “Precautions while working under OHE territory” and “General Safety
precautions for Electrical Safety” conducted at DLS/MLY.
9. Safety Drives:
The following 29 safety drives have been conducted on the division upto January-
2021, involving officers and supervisors. Irregularities brought out were rectified
and concerned staff were counseled suitably.
S. Month & Subject Period
No Year From To
1 Apr-20 Ensuring safety while executing works adjacent to 01.04.2020 15.04.2020
running lines.
2 May-20 Prevention of LC gate open cases. 01.05.2020 15.05.2020
3 May-20 Prevention of trespassing on railway Track- reiterating 10.05.2020 24.05.2020
relevant instructions and awareness drive among railway
4 May-20 Prevention of yard derailments. 15.05.2020 29.05.2020
5 Jun-20 Maintenance of points and crossings. 01.06.2020 15.06.2020
6 Jun-20 Safety of work sites for various works done adjacent to 27.06.2020 11.07.2020
running lines.
7 Jul-20 short cut methods. 01.07.2020 15.07.2020
8 Jul-20 proper closing of doors of OHE tower wagon while on 15.07.2020 29.07.2020
9 Jul-20 Maintenance of track and points& crossings in yards as 22.07.2020 05.08.2020
well as strict observance of rules in shunting.
10 Aug-20 stabling and securing precautions. 01.08.2020 15.08.2020
11 Aug-20 Prevention of Fire accident. 28.08.2020 11.09.2020
12 Sep-20 single car test of a coach. 01.09.2020 15.09.2020
13 Sep-20 Prevention of SPAD. 24.09.2020 08.10.2020
14 Oct-20 Exchange of all right signals. 01.10.2020 15.10.2020
15 Oct-20 Safe train operations. 07.10.2020 21.10.2020
16 Oct-20 Safety while operating track machines. 28.10.2020 10.11.2020
17 Oct-20 Safety at work sites adjacent to running lines. 28.10.2020 10.11.2020
18 Nov-20 S&T disconnection & reconnection notice related. 01.11.2020 15.11.2020
19 Nov-20 Stabling, securing & security of the trains. 11.11.2020 25.11.2020