Page 7 - P S - Safety
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Gate open cases have been reduced to Zero compared to previous year with
constant counseling of gatemen and station masters.
Gate Open cases on face of approaching trains
2019-20 2020-21 (up to 02.03.2021)
03 Nil
The following measures taken to prevent the gate open cases:
1. Video films showing consequences of Gate open condition, to educate gate man
circulated to all Gatemen and also uploaded in the “You Tube”.
Link: -
2. Safety seminars conducted at different places to counsel gatemen and Station
masters. Video film shown during Seminars & counselling sessions.
3. Auto PN Generating Machines planned to provide for 58 LC gates.
4 Whats app group for all Gatemen to create awareness in Gate working.
5. SMS alerts to gatemen and public regarding precautions at LC Gates.
8. Safety Seminars.
Total 14 Safety Seminars were conducted in the division during the year.
1. Safety Seminar conducted at NZB on “Prevention of SPAD”on 12.12.2019.
2. Safety awareness meeting conducted at KCG lobby on “role of family members in
discharging the LP/ALP duties safely and on SPAD prevention” on 30.01.2020.
3. Safety Seminar cum interactive session was Conducted at ATC/KCG on “Unusual
incidents & Yard derailments” on 27.02.2020.
4. Safety Seminar conducted at ATC/KCG on “Shunting precautions” on 06.03.2020.
5. Safety Seminar conducted at DLS/MLY & ECS/MLY on “Shunting precautions and
cab changing procedures” on 22.05.2020.
6. Safety Seminar conducted at MBNR on “Prevention of LC gate open cases” on
7. Safety Seminar conducted at DLS/MLY on “Prevention of Fire Accidents, wrongly
setting of points, prevention of yard derailments, Securing and shunting
precautions” on 28.11.2020.
8. Safety Seminar conducted at ATC/KCG on “Securing and stabling, relief loco
working and prevention of fire” on 02.12.2020.
9. Safety Seminar conducted at CCC/KCG lobby on “Foggy weather and winter
precautions” on 03.12.2020.