Page 11 - P S - Safety
P. 11

20   Dec-20       working on running lines & safety at work sites.           01.12.2020    15.12.2020
          21   Dec-20       Cab changing procedures and to prevent rolling down of  29.12.2020       12.01.2021
          22   Dec-20       Ensure safe train operations                              30.12.2020     13.01.2021
          23   Jan-21       Ensuring  safety  while  executing  works  adjacent  to  02.01.2021      16.01.2021
                            running lines.
          24   Jan-21       Winter season precautions                                 21.01.2021     19.02.2021
          25   Jan-21       Maintainance of Track at Fish plates joints, Glued joints  28.01.2021    11.02.2021
                            and major Bridges with ballasted deck.
          26   Jan-21       Ensure  proper  insulation  is  available/provided  for  the  28.01.2021   11.02.2021
                            rodding at all manned LCs
          27   Jan-21       Ensuring availability of First aid box with standard list of  28.01.2021   11.02.2021
          28   Feb-21       Maintenance of points and crossings                       01.02.2021     15.02.2021
          29   Feb-21       Maintainance of Track and Points & Crossings in yards  09.02.2021        10.03.2021
                            as well as strict observance of rules in shunting.

               10. Safety circulars:

               Safety circulars are issued regularly to educate the staff to inculcate safety
               consciousness and to appraise the staff with latest information. The following 15 Safety
               Circulars and  14 General Circulars were issued up to January 2021.

               SAFETY CIRCULARS:

               No.                                            Subject
                1/20  Regarding GLP Check. (G&SR 4.31)
                2/20  Non-interlocked working (Appendix-III)
                3/20  Station working rules (GR 5.06 and APP.-XIV)
                4/20  Precautions to avoid Yard Derailments.
                5/20  Prevention of Fire in Passenger Carrying Trains.
                6/20  Prevention of SPAD.
                7/20  Train operation in case of Loco pilot and/or Guard experiencing any abnormal
                        Condition in the track, information sabotage or likely sabotage to the
                        Track/Bridge/fixed  installation and obstruction on adjacent line(s).
                8/20  Monsoon precautions
                9/20  Prevention of Roll back of train during power interception/ loco reversal
                1020  Shunting Precautions.
               11/20  Knowledge of rules for Gateman – need for intensive counselling.
               12/20  Winter precautions.
               13/20  Duty for securing safety.
                1/21  Disconnection and Reconnection (SR 3.51.6 &  App.XIII).
                2/21  Detaching Engine.

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